food A song of ice and fire: the granita experiment

Because granita is maybe my fav dessert! And summer is granita time (for me it should be all year long).
Just bought some mango to taste it, i had the idea and picked my most ripened 7pod (still green):

Doses of today:
juice of 2 lemons, filtered (1 in pic because i decided later to use one more)
50g sugar
more or less 210-220g mango
one 7pod
(i added also a spoon of water to clean filter...)
Chop all:

Blend all:

Put in freezer. Mix every half of an hour with a spoon.
Here the final thing after 2h:10m


Spoon test passed.

Now i'm in a hurry, next time i could try to freeze it more. Consistence, that was my main concern, is amazing! Taste is excellent too, although one whole 7pod is overkill for that quantity..
Thumbs up!
There's plenty to test, type of pepper, type of fruit, methods, honey instead suagr, liqueur...
Must experiment!
First off...great idea! I hope it was good! 
Question...was the mango ripe enough? 
Our mangoes are orange when ripe. And VERY sweet!
Either way, they taste so good with hot peppers. In my opinion, no fruit tastes better with hot peppers (especially Caribbean types) than mangoes.  
Thanks FD!
I think it was not ripe enough. There was a piece that i ate before that was even too ripe and had the classic mango taste. I still liked it.
As you can imagine here mango is not much diffused, I don't even remember if i've ever eaten some real mango before.
Btw, i'm satisfied of the taste and of the consistence, it's better than most of granita you find here (though i doubt i've ever had some proper one, i should go to SIciliy to taste real granita, stopping in Naples to eat true pizza). I want to freeze it more next time, but that was already good.
Just a thing: don't know if that pod is stronger than others, if these days i am more sensitive to capsaicin or what, or if it's just the ice that catalyst the heat, i'm not able to eat more than some teaspoons of that! :D
So i really want to try this with fatalii (i just must wait for them, if they really have a citrus taste they are perfect!).
Next time apricots are candidated.Or peach (possibly saturn type that are amazing, some of the best tasting fruit i've ever eaten). Or just lemon that is my fav flavour for granita.
EDIT: i tried to add water and sugar and was still too strong. Consistence is still good, but it's better without. I took some apart and added milk and sugar too, now i can eat it. Adding milk it's not bad (i don't know if it's still a granita).
Other stuff today.
Sry if it has no heat but i've still not ripe peppers.
But i've used scotch, so not all is lost.

Those saturn peach are something outstanding. Flavour is really amazing.
3 saturn peaches (320-330g without core)
66g sugar
1 lemon juice filtered
1 tablespoon of scotch.
better to wash the filter with whisky than water...
Chop then blend:

Result after 3-4 hours:

It turned out to be a creamy sorbet, not a granita. But excellent.
MMMmmmmmm good! I love sorbet/granita, especially in the summer. Some say I'm a tad odd, as I prefer ice cream when it's cold outside (IMO it's too heavy when it's hot out.) You can use almost any fruit, and definitely try some blends - strawberry and kiwi, for example. Watermelon and blueberry. Lime and strawberry. Blackberry and lemon. Oh, dang, now I'm going to have to make some!
I think granita should be granted by all icecream makers even in winter...
Today i made the classic lemon one, with a piece of douglah (my first one ever).
200g water, boiled, then mixed with 100g sugar, then 200g lemon juice.
Then i used the blender to mix a piece of douglah.
After this was cooled down i refrigerated it for 5-6 hours stirring every half of an hour.

True lemon taste! And a tiny piece of douglah was enough to have nice heat.

A small red apple, half of a green apple, 1 lemon juice, a bit of ace drink, some maraschino and sugar. Then a quarter of an unknonwn really  hot pod (near at  moruga level) "marinated" inside.
Not my best one, maraschino and ace drink did no good. Better maybe to use just water or ice.