A trip to Hot Doug's for Scovie

Scovie wanted to live vicariously through me and I obliged and took a trip to Hot Doug's for him.  I live not too far from Hot Doug's, about a 5 min drive, but it took over an hour to get lunch.  This place is a must-go in Chicago, its not anywhere near downtown, but if you're here, you have to endure the wait down the block and and have some encased meat.  They're only open from 10:30am-4:00pm, and if you go on a Friday or Saturday, they fry the fries in duck fat.  I got in line around 3:30 hoping the crowd would be tapering off.  

It wasn't as bad as other days, but still there was the wait.
This is what you get to see as you walk in the door

They have a regular menu and a weekly specials menu.  here are the specials this week:

And the game of the week and Celebrity sausage 

(the menu can be found on the site http://www.hotdougs.com)
Sorry about the blurry shot, but I finally got to the counter to order and I was famished, shaking with hunger. 

and the sausage requested by Scovie:
Escargot and Guanciale Sausage with Parsely-Garlic Goat butter and Double creme brie 


And since I waited an hour to order I figured I'd make it two.  I went for the game of the week: Chardonnay and Jalapeño Rattlesnake Sausage with Roasted Pepper Dijonnaise and Asiago Cheese 


I ate in my car since my dogs were waiting for me... they both got some sausage... they didn't seem to have a preference on which... I preferred the snake to the snails.  But my all time favorite is still their foie gras dog.  
I also got a shot of all this hot dog swag for JayT
That sounds terfreakinriffic!
The cheeky snail sausage woulda been my choice as well!
I have to admit that I probably would have gone for the rattlesnake too!
Just piqued my interest.
Sounds like a trip to Chi-Town is in store....
The Teuben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my... Dives are what Twisp does... very well. You have lots of choices...
Antler's Saloon, The Branding Iron, Mick and Mickey's, Three Fingered Jacks.
Just name it.

Rawk, are those Hot Dog Christmas lights???
Scovie... I read that to you the other night.... you paused for a good minute, and the face you made, it was like there was an explosion in your brain. I think you blocked it out because you didn't want to believe someone else thought of putting mole on a sausage before you, and then you told me to get the escargot.  