Actinic T5 Light

Hey all,
I got a cheap deal off eBay for a T5 light setup. Just under $20 I scored a 4x T5 HO 24w light setup. At the moment it has 2 10000k tubes and 2 actinic globes.
I know 10000k is not optimal for plants but can't find much regarding the actinic globe. From what I do know, blue is the colour which will cause the plant to grow thick, stocky and produce big leaves but will not provide the light necessary to cause the plant to flower and produce fruit to ripen. I found this on numerous sites and also a couple searches resulting on this website.
My plants are only about an inch and a half tall, They're just seedlings. I need something to give them that boost. The sun here is already searing hot and caused some damage to the leaves so now I stick them under a 4000k cfl, but only 1. The lumens these tubes provide is greater and also capable of covering a much larger area.
Can anybody confirm if my seedlings will benefit from the Actinic light. For those who don't know what that is its a very bright but deep blue colour often used in aquariums to stimulate coral and fish.
Also will the 10000k temperature be better for my plants than ambient light? I can't take the risk of the sun cooking them further, I really need to boost them up before summer gets into full swing.
Some suggest 10000k while others are opposed to it. From what I know, as long as its not green light, it won't hinder growth at this very early stage.
Actinic lights are high in UV and work solely in the blue spectrum 420-460 nm so they will need supplemental lighting to complete the spectrum. The 10,000k light operates in the white spectrum these lights are made to penetrate water where the reds yellow orange and so on spectrums get filtered out these penetrate deeper. Your best bet is to buy some 6400k and 2700k bulbs (2 of each) and ditch the 10,000k and the Antinics your plants will thank you.
I'm trying to source these globes down here in Australia, its proving a difficult task. I'm finding them left right and center in 10000k which I do not want.
Thanks for the information dudes.
In the mean time, would I be doing the plants any harm in using the Antinic globes alongside my 4000 and 2700k CFL's?
Edit: The globes are 56cm in length and the wiring supports up to 24watts per channel.
Edit again: How much difference is there between a 6400 and a 6700 globe. I may have found a local supplier of 6700k.
Just whacked in a 2700 and a 6400. Should be happy nights for my seedlings now! $9 a piece from Opal if any Sydney aussie growers are interested!
I've been trying to source something cheap that fits my small setup... I've found a lot of deals for aquarium T5 fixtures, but they are always loaded with 10000k and acitnics, and replacing 4 bulbs adds about $40 to the price. 
Thanks for the post, after my search I had the same questions regarding 10000k lights.
From what I know the Actinics aren't too bad at all as supplemental lighting for the vegetation phase. I might switch out one 2700 globe and slap in a actinic in there.
I also got a metal halide now, won't be using it, not practical at all, the thing is bigger than a football. Looks awesome when its on though, bright as day.
You must have a 1000 watt mh if its that big. The antinics are good for supplementary lighting just not good as the only light source.
Yeah its a 1000w unit. I dont have anywhere big enough to use it which would also provide the necessary cooling so probably just gonna sell it off if I can or trade it for a smaller setup.
Yea 1000 watters put out alot of heat you would need an air cooled hood for sure. They cover a 6×6 area great with good foliage penetration. I run a 600 and love it in a 4×4 tent. You probably need a 400 watt system for what your doing.