Advice: Peppers Safe to Eat After Bleach Incident

I had an incident a couple of days ago with my house being powerwashed by my HOA without my knowledge. I got home from work and the house wreaked of bleach. The powerwashers had left before rain came and did not rinse the house, so the bleach solution sat for about 45 minutes before the rain came. Several of my pepper plants have lost all of their leaves and are simply a stick sticking out of the soil, and other plants have bleach spots all over the leaves. The plants are all potted, but I was not able to move the plants since I had no idea they were coming to powerwash.
I could use some advice-- my question is if the peppers would still be safe for consumption after this? Also, for the ones that have lost all of their leaves, is there any coming back from that? 
The loss could be huge-- lots of Carolina Reapers, Trinidad Scorpions, Habaneros, Scotch Bonnet, Lemon Drop and lots of other varieties.
well that's annoying to say the least.Can't they get in trouble for damaging personal property?
Bleach will wash off and isn't too bad if that's the only chemical they used. (some people use small amounts of bleach to purify water and then drink it)
Yeah, the HOA is requesting the powerwashing company reimburse me financially for any loss, but I am not even sure what kind of agreement we could come to on the plants. I have chemical spots on the deck as well-- it seems to be a pretty potent mix from a less than professional company.
Find out specifically what chemical cocktail was used.
If it's just bleach, you'll be fine.  The stuff will have reacted with the plant material, making it safe to eat after a quick rinse.  And even if there is some remaining, diluted bleach isn't all that dangerous.
If there are other chemicals involved, look for toxic metals or compounds.
How the heck does the HOA have the right to arbitrarily do things to your house and garden w/o your express, pre-authorized consent?  Yikes!

Give the plants, and soil, a BIG rinse ASAP and hope for the best.  You might dissolve a vitamin C pill into a bucket of water and apply this at the beginning of the rinse.
After that, trim any fruit and hope the plants have enough energy to re-leaf.  :confused:
So sorry to hear that happened! I agree with Geonerd - best to find out what chemicals, if any, other than bleach were used. I hope your plants can recover.
Something tells me the HOA is to blame here too not just the company that did the powerwashing. I would think that they would be required to inform you that the activites were scheduled so you can plan accordingly.
What if all your windows were open?
What if you had dogs in the backyard? They could get sprayed, most HOA's would want you to lock up your dogs to midigate risk to the workers too. 
Someone entering your property without knowledge or consent in my mind is trespassing.
Just sayin
I'm a house painter. and its likely they used Mildex or a similar product. Anytime we spray that crap around plants, they have to be covered. Sounds like these guys are johnny come lately style. And in that case, its HOAs fault if you ask me
I wish the best for your garden
The more I think about this the more it disturbs me. There is no excuse for carelessness of peoples property in a professional atmosphere. Especially living property i.e. Pets and Plants. They were paid to maintain or improve the property and in the process damaged or destroyed property.  no friggen bueno
My advice...don't let the HOA deflect responsibility for this. That company will not be able to reimburse everyone for the damage they did. Ultimately it is the HOA's fault. Do not let them bully you or lie to you. You absolutely have the right to be reimbursed. Especially for the deck! As far as value of the pepper...just go retail price on the amount of pods you expected to have. (use the upper end of the average yield for the those plants). An attorney may need to get involved. I know I would I would hire one.
Agree with the others, nail the %@^!$@!^!! HOA bastards to the wall.
You are PAYING them big bucks (to be treated like citizens of an occupied territory) - it is their responsibility to provide competent services. 
Take pictures, organize with other homeowners (I doubt you are the only one affected by the landscape yokels), threaten a big ugly lawsuit, threaten to go on TeeVee, etc.  GIVE THE BASTARDS HELL and don't stop until they apologize and make right what they screwed up!
Thanks for all the comments/advice! 
I have trimmed back any damage/dead leaves on my plants, and remaining hopeful for the ones that lost all of their leaves. 
I had the owner of the power washing company come by and take a look and he has offered to restain my deck as well as pay for any lost plants. I am definitely going to work with him on the deck, but told him I'd like to wait a week or two to see how the plants do, and if the worse ones are able to come back from this. 