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African Birdseye Review

I picked up a packet of these at one of my favorite Indian Spice shops:


These had had the same type of flavor as the round Tepins that I got form the same store and reviewed here:


But, these were much hotter, probably at least 3x hotter. The packet labeled them as between 100,000 and 225,000 scovilles. I'm not sure if they were as hot as 225,000, but my best guess is around 150,000. In contrast to the Tepins, the heat lingered. I actually have a small blister on the side of my tongue! Some of the oils remain, as I still taste it a little. The minor downside is that the flavor was less concentrated than the Tepins. The Birdseye heat with the Tepin Flavor would make an awesome pepper. I'm sure there is something out there.
I picked up a packet of these at one of my favorite Indian Spice shops:


These had had the same type of flavor as the round Tepins that I got form the same store and reviewed here:


But, these were much hotter, probably at least 3x hotter. The packet labeled them as between 100,000 and 225,000 scovilles. I'm not sure if they were as hot as 225,000, but my best guess is around 150,00. In contrast to the Tepins, the heat lingered. I actually have a small blister on the side of my tongue! Some of the oils remain, as I still taste it a little. The minor downside is that the flavor was less concentrated than the Tepins. The Birdseye heat with the Tepin Flavor would make an awesome pepper. I'm sure there is something out there.

yup its also called DIABLITO (litle devil) i have eaten them, there a good pepper

thanks your friend Joe

its also know as DIABLITO (little devil) a good little pepper, there was a slight touch of sweetness in the ones i grew

thanks your friend Joe
The burn was a long one, as during the night, I felt my lower lip and the area just below my lower lip burning a little.
I've been using these little guys for years. I'm surprised more products don't incorporate them. Great taste, and a nice even burn. They do GREAT in chili.
Ive got one growing and it has been pumping out pods since it was only about three month old. Little firecrackers forsure!
I studied abroad in South Africa, and was thus blessed enough to have these on a regular basis. I have yet to encounter them in the states on the shelves. There is a great South African chicken joint called Nandos, however, whose recipes center around this pepper. There are two locations here in DC, but I don't know if they have any other US locations. They have some really tasty sauces, the hottest of which (Exxxtra hot) provides a nice sensible burn with tons of delicious flavor. I recommend it to anyone living in or visiting DC or Cape Town/Johannesburg South Africa.