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Against the odds?

I had a cutting in my cloner for some time. Actually it was and extended period of time. It was a cutting that never produced roots but remained green for just enough time. What I mean by that is while in the cloner, this cuttings produced a couple of buds that opened up into what I would assume was a couple of fully functional flowers. And as luck would generally not have it, these flowers shed their petals to reveal the early stages of fruit. These pods continued to grow to about the size of dried pinto beans at which point the cutting finally succumb to the inevitable. I left the pods on the cutting and watch the pods turn to a light orange color. I picked the pods and allowed them to dry, the whole time suspecting I was wasting my time. Maybe I still did. After the pods had dried, I opened them up and recovered what appears to be 8, from all I can tell by looking at them viable seeds. They will be added to this years ID grow.
ID grow? You might be asking what the hell that is.
Well, I have a bad habit of having peppers with me all the time and when I cut the for meal time I save the seeds. Now here is where the problem comes in. I toss the seeds in a coin envelope, folded napkin, plastic bag or whatever I can find to keep them secure. The problem is, I never write on the temporary container the name of the seeds I put in. And 3-4 weeks later I have a dozen of these things floating around. I have several of these that I will number and grow in plant purgatory till I can ID them.
The cloner pods will be interesting to ID and also see if viable seeds can be produced in the manner in which these were.