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hydroponic Agroponic vs Hydroponic

Thinking of getting into a light for something to do over the winter. Don't want to get into the "hydro/water" as I'd prefer soil which I thought was Agro. What is the exact difference between the 2 and as well as pro's and con's of each ? Any suggestions are appreciated.
Soil acts as a buffer to the roots. so if you...
Over feed
have extreme ph fluctuations
The soil slows the effect's
which gives you more time to fix the problem.

Hydro you have no buffer for the roots.
effects are fast and sometimes could kill the plant.

Hyrdro has better o2 and h2o ratios...Faster growing.
Its like running a mile race against a smoker and non smoker.

Which do you think will win.
agroponics is still technically hyroponics its just using an inert medium (agregate) to grow the plants in. the word you are looking for is Geoponics which is gardening of farming in soil.

to answer the question as was stated above hydro is very fast with effecting the plant and huge gains can be obtained from this as the plants are 100% controlled by the grower. on the downside like i said the plants are 100% controlled by the grower. any fluctuation can be harmful to the plant.

now for the soil it is a more forgiving way to go as the plant has to fight through the soil to get to the nutrients and water plus the soil will act as a filter for the nutrients so if watering the plant from above pretty much only the top half of the roots will be getting the nutrients and the bottom half will be getting just water. its really all about your preference though really. ive seen awesome plants come from both methods and ive seen some bad plants from both so whatever floats your boat really.

personally i do kinda a cross between the two like the earth box.