Hi guys, hope this the right section but just need couple questions answered:
When air drying, I mean hanging outside in the sun, do you cut the peppers open and deseed them? Or do you leave them as whole closed pods? I've got some hanging as closed whole pods and some deseeded. Ive had two of the deseeded ones form black mold inside. Are seeds good for keeping if they have been in the sun inside the pod?
If I buy a dehydrator, a cheap $30 unit or so, is it the same as air drying or will they come out different.
When air drying, I mean hanging outside in the sun, do you cut the peppers open and deseed them? Or do you leave them as whole closed pods? I've got some hanging as closed whole pods and some deseeded. Ive had two of the deseeded ones form black mold inside. Are seeds good for keeping if they have been in the sun inside the pod?
If I buy a dehydrator, a cheap $30 unit or so, is it the same as air drying or will they come out different.