Aji Amarillo BIG vs small

There are a ton of varieties of peppers in south / central america that just don't have full name.
Some random local guy may call it aji amarillo. then 30 miles away some guy has a different phenotype but calls it aji amarillo. They don't all have access to a central database and official naming system.
Vendors source their seed stock from somewhere. maybe they get from guy A. maybe they got from guy B. they are both doing their best maybe neither is wrong as far as they know.
i can search aji amarillo in the grin. and i have 327 results lol

As a vendor i think it's my responsibility to find the correct pheno, the most popular, the most identified. But not all vendors think that way, or have time.
At some point you have to make a stand and say THIS IS AJI AMARILLO, THAT IS NOT. 
But these are just common names. there is no authority really.
I was poking around AJ's purée thread and I found bpiela(Ben) grew and pureed these Peruvian Giallo Arancio. I don't know what that translates to but he bought them from fataliiseeds.com

Edit: Google says it's Italian for Peruvian "yellow orange"
Nah ahaha oh well. Ben grew them and they did turn out to be a smaller and quicker ripening amarillo
Aji amarillo is a cultivar of capsicum Baccatum that only refers to one specific pepper in Peru/Bolivia. This pepper (aji amarillo) is used in a miltitude of dishes, plus sold at every supermarket, market, and made in a paste form throughout Peru/Bolivia. There is only one pepper that is the Aji Amarillo, and it is just as ubiquitous in Peru as the Jalapeño is in Mexico.

"Aji amarillo" literally means "yellow pepper" in South American Spanish, so any yellow pepper could be called an aji amarillo depending on the context.

The best part, is that the actual aji amarillo is orange, and gets it's name from the color it changes dishes when cooked with, which is of course, yellow.

Here are a few commercial bags of the EXACT same Capsicum Pubescens cultivar being sold as aji amarillo, because it's so damn tasty, everyone wants it in their kitchen.


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