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Aji Angelo

Mine are taking *forever* to ripen. Hoping to taste one this season, but haven't yet. My understanding is mild heat and fruity flavor.

Anyone else grown/growing them. Thoughts on whether they're worth keeping in the garden next year and getting out earlier?
I grew this one this year, but had it in a small pot on my porch and did not get very many pods. They did take forever to ripen. They were very tasty with mild heat. I think they are worth growing, but they need a lot of space. It was a very big plant for a small pot.
I grew this one this year, but had it in a small pot on my porch and did not get very many pods. They did take forever to ripen. They were very tasty with mild heat. I think they are worth growing, but they need a lot of space. It was a very big plant for a small pot.

Mine too is sprawling. Thanks for the info. Hoping I get to taste a few pods. Gonna get close to freezing tonight. We'll see...