food Aji Lemon Drop Farmer Cheese

This was my first attempt at cheese making.  It went well enough that I will continue this new endeavor.  Since this was my very first attempt, I went with the stupidly simple recipe as shown in the video below:
1 QT whole, pasteurized milk
1C. buttermilk
2 TBLS lemon juice
4 aji lemon drop peppers, minced
1/2 TSP salt
~1/2 TSP Italian spice (not shown)

Curds and whey separating.

Cheese curds draining through cheese cloth.

Curds mixed with peppers and other ingredients.

Curds pressed into 2 ramekins.

24 hours later, and done.


Oh my, Nigel!

Now that I've tasted the finished product, next time I would double the ajis.  Maybe I would change up the seasoning to some other simpler herb.  Not sure, but, onward!!
Looks delicious!  I'd eat enough to spread on two baguettes.  I've got tons of Aji Lemons right now and never thought of doing that.
Nigel said:
That looks amazing, Jim. Your own beer or real St Bernardus Watou??? Either way, I want some!!!
Ah, I couldn't fool a Belgian expert like you!  Just one of many IPAs that I brew.  Looks good in that goblet, though.
I have to say, yesterday, I made another batch.  But, I added about 14 chopped kalamata olives, 1/2 tsp oregano, 2 cloves of minced garlic, and double the aji peppers.  The only correction next time will be to increase the salt to 1 tsp.  Other than that, it was great.