chinense Ajijoe`s Chocolate Teardrop Habanero

Another Ajijoe exclusive. And another really excellent pepper. 
This is such a great looking pepper and pretty decent sized one, too. The initial aroma is one of fruitiness and very chocolate Habanero-like. The flavor is just great, really great, actually. It is a very thick-walled pepper and is consequently very juicy indeed, with great Habanero-like flavours, some earthiness and a little acidity. Most of the flavors are a little muted and not remotely overpowering, which is also nice. This would make a great pepper to cook with, but especially with more subtle tasting foods. It would add a little in terms of flavor and quite a boost of heat. 
The heat is excellent. At around double that of a regular Orange habanero, it isn`t mild by any stretch, but just has a nice level of heat that is very mellow. I think it would make fantastic poppers! What a great package of flavors and heat.
Did someone say Halibut? I have two steaks in the freezer. Butter, Sliced Lemon, Garlic Salt, and now Hot Pepper, all wrapped in foil and put on the Barbie tonight. Great idea Nigel. Very nice review.
this is just the second year on this one, and like the red Grenade i know little about it so this review is definatly a good thing
i found this one on my friends field 3 years ago but cannot remember what  they where supposed to be but this wasnt it what the label said and its a cross for sure but not sure what??,, i grabbed a few pods from this one because it got my attention, i also have a red version of this that looks only a little differant, i didnt get any TS with this either even though when you look at it you might think so, i do seem to remember that they came from the same row that i culled my CHOCOLATE HAND GRENADE pods from and seem to also remember picking both large and small pods at two different times and two differnt places in the same row, so, i can say for sure there not the same cross but this one(Teardrop) could have Black habanero blood in it too!!!
im growing this one out again this season, and have seeds for that are a little bit of a gamble you could get either, the first year i grew it they turned red and have seeds for it, however this year, i have seeds from the plant that the pods came from that where reviewed and there of course brown what i was originally looking for,they are exactlly the same as the ones that caught my eye on my friends field :dance:
good one again nigel and glad you liked it
your friend Joe