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AJs 2011 Project


Dangit, I hate it when the temperature doesn't get above 40 for days on end...makes me edgy...thinking...I NEED TO DO SOMETHING...that is always a dangerous time for me...

Soooooo....I was sitting in my growrage thinking about how I could make it better and use the space more efficiently....then it hit me...wall in a space in the garage and I can do away with my germination box, my big grow box, the current "slowgrow" area if I design a new growroom for both germination and seedling growtn...

Now, I am thinking out loud here as I type translating my notes off my pad...better yet, here is a picture of my notes...if you are interested, you can understand better what I am talking about...scale on the picture is one little square is one foot...


I will have an "L" shaped room. 190 ft2 germination/grow area...figured I could start as many seeds and grow as many seedlings as I need based on my business getting a little bigger...

entry into the area from the garage will be at the "inside" corner of the "L"...using a heavy insulated door...total interior will be painted castle white...same color as the house trim and inside...the floor will be the natural concrete...

the walls will be sheetrock outside and in with batted insulation between...when I had this house built, I told the contractor I wanted all walls insulated with batted insulation...he said "even the outside garage walls"...I said yup...the top will be the current ceiling in the garage except the area the garage door is hung...then I will have a "dropped insulated ceiling"....just so happens to be where the germination room will be...

the "bottom" end of the area will be for germination...have it's own 30 amp line (already a 20 amp outlet there too), an exhaust fan for evacuation of unwanted stuff whether that is heat, smell, poots (oops :lol:), etc...there will be 18 feet of 20 inch wide shelving in three tiers...so a total of 54 feet of shelf space...most of what I am using to start seeds is 12" wide...so if I max out, I can start 54 X 72 = 3888 seeds...hopefully one day I will NEED to start that many...since this is a "germination chamber" not much light will be necessary, It will need to be stay warm...there will be a wall separating the main grow room and the germinator that will be entered by a 30" light weight door...

on the right hand side next to the wall will be a six foot work area that will be 2 feet wide...maybe 30"...still TBD...then the rest of the wall space will be used for seedling growth....so 18' wall space, 20 inch wide shelving three tiered gives me room for 54 trays that will hold 18 3" square containers...thats 1296 seedlings...since I will NOT be using this for maturing plants, rather growing healthy seedlings, I think I can get away with ~2000 lumens/ft square...I have not really thought about the lighting yet...may go MIH or HPS here...just have to do a trade study to see how much light I really need and how much I want to pay for it in electricity...

if I really want to use it as a grow room in the summer time, I can (it the light is right) because I am going to run a couple of AC ducts from my central unit for cooling that will be controlled with a programable digital thermostat and control valves for opening and closing the AC vents...

the main thing I am dead set on is temperature control of this area...if I get an infestation of something...heck...I can close the whole room up and fumigate it...damn them aphids and spidermites anyway...may not have to fumigate if I get a resident flock of lady bugs in there...

what do you guys think? Am I crazy?

gonna quit rambling now for a while....

WOW, what a revelation I just had...sunlight is free...I could put skylights in the growrage...it will be a lot cheaper than electricity in the long run...but the up front cost will probably go thru the roof (pun intended)
I dont think your crazy! :) That is one heck of a project, some of that math stuff just flies right over my head!
AJ, you are gonna give Hatch NM, a run for their money. I cant wait to see how it looks as the process gets under way.
I'm sure you have it already built in your head, and are already tweaking it. ;)
remember guys...an idle mind is the devils workshop...in this case the devil is in the details...

you are dead on Kevin...I can visualize a very pleasant, somewhat humid atmosphere smellng of salt air and fresh island aromas...I could always put a Jimmy Buffet type mural on the wall above my work bench...if I cant' move to the islands, I can bring "A Salty Strip of Land" to north Texas...and music...lordy yes...continual tropical island rhythms soothing my soul...I bet the plants will like it too...

and as I have said before LC...once an engineer, always an engineer...
I am sure this is what you mean by a couple of AC ducts but I will mention it anyway. Be sure to install a return.

What are your thoughts on the HID lights? I would imagine the 3 tiers would make things difficult. Maybe put a 1000 watt HID in the center of the germination room. Once everything is germinated you can put your personal plants in there to get a few more lumens.
Looks like a great plan.
Consider using a ductless mini-split air conditioner or heat pump. Better temp control for the grow area and won't compromise your main house system.
Ahhh Heck AJ, You are speaking my language brother! Shorts n sandals and a Texas Margarita!! Parrothead music playin' "pencil thin mustache!" Stumblin round talkin to tha Scorpions!! That is heaven my friend! :)

Aren't many of us mad growers at heart? Try things and see how they work, keeping an eye on the cost vs. the payback?

I would suggest a Greenhouse for seed starting as an option. Bad - they are not cheap, unless you build your own. Good - you probably would not need to spend hardly anything on light or heat - seedlings do great in cool weather, with cool being anything above 50.

Instead of skylights, consider Solar Tubes. Alas, I've read a bunch about them, but haven't seen any in action. A rep was going to install a very temp one in my shed, but storms and other conditions occupied her time and when she was ready to do it, my shed was gone. But they are suppose to keep heat out (or in) and deliver as many lumens or more than skylights do.

My GH is only 196 sq. ft. but if I wanted to raise seedlings in it, and I was using 36 cell nursery trays, I can start over 3,000 seedlings in it. As you raise most of your plants in containers, you could bring close to 50 of them inside in late fall and continue to grow - again, without using any heat or lights.

All your need are some 4x4s and 2x4s, a couple bags of Sacrete, some GH plastic and a door, plus maybe three sheets of 4x8 OCB or similar board. If you wanna be safe, get a 1200 watt heater and the wiring needed to support it, a fan, a couple of shop lights and the radio. My cost was about $600, but I used two layers of plastic and heavy insulation plus Mylar on the north wall

A guy in another forum watched Craig's list and got 30 3x4' double pane windows for nothing - then you wouldn't need hardly any plastic.

I am sure this is what you mean by a couple of AC ducts but I will mention it anyway. Be sure to install a return.

What are your thoughts on the HID lights? I would imagine the 3 tiers would make things difficult. Maybe put a 1000 watt HID in the center of the germination room. Once everything is germinated you can put your personal plants in there to get a few more lumens.

sure...return will be included...thanks for the reminder...

haven't decided on lights yet...got to thinking about the skylights and they will only handle the top plants if I "tier" them...so that is out...

Always fun watching and also a learning experience with your projects AJ :)

and I have fun planning/doing them Alf...that's your new nickname from me...hope you don't mind..

Looks like a great plan.
Consider using a ductless mini-split air conditioner or heat pump. Better temp control for the grow area and won't compromise your main house system.

have not considered that, but when I had this house built, the living area called for a 3.5 ton heat pump...I had them put in a 5 ton instead so my capacity is already there...my original plans when we built was to eventually close in the patio (12' X 24') but we both had rather just have it open to sit on and enjoy our view...

Insanity is a given......

and we love you for it! ;)

thanks Geeme

Ahhh Heck AJ, You are speaking my language brother! Shorts n sandals and a Texas Margarita!! Parrothead music playin' "pencil thin mustache!" Stumblin round talkin to tha Scorpions!! That is heaven my friend! :)

sandals hell, I go barefooted most of the time...and I can't wear flip flops...I'm like my dad on those, I don't want anything between my toes...reminds me of stepping in chicken sh** back on the farm....

***Tuesday on the island, Not much goin on, The parties are all over, They ended just past dawn...The jungle drums are beating, With the tales from late last night, Cause stories bear repeating, For everyones delight*** laaaaa la la laaaaaaaaa, la la laaaaaaa...

everyone cover your ears....AJs singing...


Aren't many of us mad growers at heart? Try things and see how they work, keeping an eye on the cost vs. the payback?

I would suggest a Greenhouse for seed starting as an option. Bad - they are not cheap, unless you build your own. Good - you probably would not need to spend hardly anything on light or heat - seedlings do great in cool weather, with cool being anything above 50.

Instead of skylights, consider Solar Tubes. Alas, I've read a bunch about them, but haven't seen any in action. A rep was going to install a very temp one in my shed, but storms and other conditions occupied her time and when she was ready to do it, my shed was gone. But they are suppose to keep heat out (or in) and deliver as many lumens or more than skylights do.

My GH is only 196 sq. ft. but if I wanted to raise seedlings in it, and I was using 36 cell nursery trays, I can start over 3,000 seedlings in it. As you raise most of your plants in containers, you could bring close to 50 of them inside in late fall and continue to grow - again, without using any heat or lights.

All your need are some 4x4s and 2x4s, a couple bags of Sacrete, some GH plastic and a door, plus maybe three sheets of 4x8 OCB or similar board. If you wanna be safe, get a 1200 watt heater and the wiring needed to support it, a fan, a couple of shop lights and the radio. My cost was about $600, but I used two layers of plastic and heavy insulation plus Mylar on the north wall

A guy in another forum watched Craig's list and got 30 3x4' double pane windows for nothing - then you wouldn't need hardly any plastic.


Nope Mike...not gonna do another greenhouse, been there, done that, lost the greenhouse to snow...besides, space in my back yard is precious...and look at it this way...I don't even have to go outside to get to my growrage... ;)
The upper left 5'x6' area. Are you planning on having two shelves on opposing walls? If they are 20" a piece and the gap is 60" that will only leave you with 20" to walk.
The upper left 5'x6' area. Are you planning on having two shelves on opposing walls? If they are 20" a piece and the gap is 60" that will only leave you with 20" to walk.

heck....I'm skinny... ;)...just in the planning stages Josh...I saw that too...trying to figure lighting and area coverage...thinking dead serious about going with LEDs
I realize there is a problem with the first one already. You wanted at least a 24" wide bench. If the door is 36" that already is too tight, but add the 4 and 1/2 inches for the wall to the germination room and it makes it impossible. Plus it could only be like 5 and 1/2 feet long because the door to the germination room would be 30" and a 20" shelf.
wow Josh...thats nice man...I like it...what program is that?
good deal...I am in the growrage right now taking "exact" measurements...design has changed already...will show you what I'm talking about in a bit...
good deal...I am in the growrage right now taking "exact" measurements...design has changed already...will show you what I'm talking about in a bit...

Sounds good. Let me know what you come back with. Also remember that the walls you put in will take up 4 and 1/2 inches. A 2x4 stud will actually be 3 and 1/2 inches wide. Then you will have 1/2" drywall on each side.