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Aleppo/Halaby Growers

Hello, I am looking for anybody that is or has grown Aleppo/Halaby peppers. I need information on the different variants so that I can identify mine and I cannot find any information about them anywhere. Only general info about Aleppo as a dry seasoning mostly.

I've got Aleppo , Aleppo 36 PI 181863 , Aleppo 37 PI 181864 growing.

They are a pain in the A$$.

For me they are like growing bell peppers ,I think it might be the California weather,I don't know but they want constant attention in #15 (7 1/2 gal.)pots.

Too hot,not enough grow juice,too hot-not enough water or whatever.
They love to be a leafless stick and find any reason to drop their leaves.perfect looking plant will be a stick the next day from heat I think.

It'll come back but as soon as I see a few buds it does something to become a stick again.

They act like dam weeds (bell peppers).

Ya kiss their pepper butts and might get 1 or 2 pods that are stunted and drop off.

IF I let them live,I kinda think that they might do better in the fall or spring when it's cooler.

I think maybe the pots get too hot and cook the roots even though they are in the shadiest part of my garden.

I hear people rave about them being tasty and very productive.

The seeds were from a trade and may be crossed,though the person said only 1 of the 3 wasn't isolated.

Might be I grow too many c.Pubescens and C.Chinense and am screwing up the C.Annuums.

Either way,I'm deciding to either let them die(give them away probably) or wait until fall and see if it's our weather/hot roots...
I hate growing Bell peppers,pain in the butt for 10 pods or less.
These guys,so far,are a close second to being like growing bells so far.
I am sorry to hear about your experiences, Smokemaster! I have a handful of pods on mine, it is only in a ~3 gallon pot and I can already see roots coming out of the drain hole but so far it seems to be doing well, although it did look sad today in the heat. Can you tell between your strains by the look of the pods, Smoke? Any pictures would be fantastic.
No pods,Sticks for plants.
No pics.
I really think it's the heat,not the pepper variety.

I think,like bells here,they are heat sensative in pots.

In the ground or cooler temps. they might be better off.
Most of the growers I see that love them grow them in cooler temp. areas than I have here.
Most are also in the ground which would keep the roots cooler.

We have either had perfect pepper weather (75-80 degrees)for a few days then instant 100 degree days.

I think the inconsistant temps are screwing up some of the plants I have.
Chinense are even not doing as well as they should.

Throw in my mite survivors and the harvest isn't looking too good right now.

I think I'll have a decent winter harvest though.
We have no winter here,it's like most peoples early spring.

I do have a few plants doing ok now though.

Are you on the coast?I forget...
If so you have been quite a bit cooler than here.

Been in the mid to high 90's to a little over 100 lately.
98 a little while ago here.
65 at 5AM this morning.
90 by noon.
What do you use for a potting mix? Mine are just honestly not doing that badly in the heat, we had the 3rd day over 100 yesterday. It has been blistering with night-time temps of 80+ I can barely sleep!

Where are you located? I have to water every other day but they seem to be ok so far. This will be day 4 over 100 so it will be a good test. It is 89 degrees right now at 10 AM...
