Aleppo pepper splitting

This is my first year growing Aleppo. I've been away for a couple weeks during which we've had drenching rain, hell heat, drenching rain again. Aleppo originated in a hot, dry climate, so I'm guessing that's why mine have split - literally look like someone opened a zipper down the side split. I've never seen any other pepper I've grown split like that. Is this inherent to Aleppo? Any other pepper you grow?
That is why i mentioned the fabric pots. Its harder to over water even if it rains a lot. Mine hardly ever droop in the heat. They seem to love it.
Definitely possible to overwater in fabric pots.  I've done it many times.  Well, technically, the rain did it.  It gets worse as the temperature gets too hot or too cold.
I've always heard it's going too dry and contracting the fruit followed by a heavy watering leading to swelling fruit and cracking.  That seems to fit your described recent weather profile and definitely fits my watering profile at times I've had tomatoes crack and split on me.
You're correct about the cause.  We've had very similar weather here recently and I lost several pods to the oppressive heat + daily torrential rain combo.