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aloe vera does better inside?


Im not a succulent master but my aloe seems to do better indoors. The moment i put it out it goes brown

I bring it in and in a few hours right back to its green flesh. Im puzzled but i know its growing indoors. Temps inside are usually a constant 70-75

Does humidity effect succulents? Wanted to put it out but it just seems happier right next to me bed
we have 3 of them that are atleast 30 years old. they get very little shade and they are big jucy beautifull plants.
Around here, aloe is grown in 100% sun. I think what happens is plants are like everything else, it gets accustomed to a certain style/way and when you try to change that, of course it goes into some kind of shock.

Thing is, around here it is warm/hot almost year round and sometimes when we get freezes, it kills alot of plants because the plants became accustomed to the heat. Think of it as a human working in A/C all day, then steps out at 4 in the afternoon to a 95-100 degree sun. It will feel like you just walked into hell.

Oh well, I hope you get it figured out.
I do have it in the full sun also, it just seems to do better under the trees could be the nutrients from decomposing leaves, or just the shade.
there are many different types of aloe... i have some that are in full sun, some in shade... totally depends on the breed... if it's the kind that grows up on a trunk, it's a shade loving aloe... if it grows all bushy in a container, it's the sun loving type... although i'm only talking about the common aloe vera, there are many that do the apposite...

right now i'm going thru a succulent phase...
Is mine a common aloe?

