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Am I wasting time / killing my plants...

Hey all,

I am thinking about bringing a couple plants into the office to veg out until I can get them big, strong, and outside. They are going to be quite a distance (6,7,8 feet) from flouros, during the week and next to a west facing window over the week ends. Anyone do this ?

-- Mega
It may not be the perfect environment, but I see plants in offices all the time. If you were going to grow 'em forever in there, maybe not. Once before you said you were in this for your own decompression and mental health. If putting the plants in your office makes you have a better environment, go for it. Maybe you could try it with a 'less important' plant for a week to see how it reacts. Good luck, Mega!
How about putting them under a fluoro desk lamp? Would give them a little better lighting.

But if the plants in your office will help brighten the mood, then I'd say go for it! Start off with one and see how it goes! Good luck!
Oh I feel you! I have to decide if the veggies get the boot or the peppers. So far the veggies are getting the boot!
Poor light will make it leggy.

Yes!!!! I started seeds uner a 400w blue spectrum hps and they where THE strongest, widest, abnormally huge seedlings I have EVER seen. They grew to be huge stocky tomato bushes in no time.

A reason I can not seem to find a use for anything but HID. When you let them grow a day and come back you can see the few inches they grew in one day, I can not get that from fluorescents or any other lighting besides the sun or HID!!!!!!
I don't think they will grow well. Probably slow and leggy. However, they may make your workplace more enjoyable.
Why don't you grow a plant or two that do well in an office environment? Peppers need the sun or some serious lighting to produce. How about starting a bonsai project? You can work on it during breaks and lunch. Nothing better for the soul than creating bonsai!
I have kept a few plants in my office, I did have a west facing window though. I would say it really depends on the variety, the Datil I had in the office did not do well, produced very small peppers and was leggy. The prik kee noo plant I had did wonderful, it got more leggy than normal but still produced a ton of pods. I always had people coming around to graze off that plant.
Keeping overwinters in the office worked out fine for me. Temps were cooler, light levels lower, so they didn't do much for most of the winter. Granted, most of the plants were near a south-facing window, so they at least had some light. I had a Rocoto sitting on the cabinet under the fluoros and it hated me, but it lived.

Keeping seedlings under office fluoros, however, is not something I would recommend. They're actively growing, and they'll stretch for light, you'll just end up with a weaker plant overall. With overwinters you can just clip the leggy growth, you can't do this as easily with young plants without severely hampering their progress. You might as well have started the seeds late.