An Idea for some of Pepperproblem`s pods

I just got home with Shawn`s freezer full of peppers. I am arranging with some people to take part and dehydrate to make powders. 
What do you think of this for an idea? There are all sorts of pods in the freezer, so how about i defrost a variety and do some pod reviews dedicated to Shawn? I`d like to send them to others to review as well, but as they are frozen I think you would just get a really mushy pepper. 
Anyway, let me know what you think. All ideas are welcome, too!!!
Nigel that would be really cool. I agree sending pods would just turn them into mush,
Maybe make the rest into powder and sell or auction it off and give the proceeds to his daughter. 
romy6 said:
Nigel that would be really cool. I agree sending pods would just turn them into mush,
Maybe make the rest into powder and sell or auction it off and give the proceeds to his daughter. 
Hi Jamie. I have a few local willing souls that will take some of the frozen peppers and make powder. That`s been our idea all along, but holy crap, there`s a large freezer full! Luckily, it`s now in my garage and plugged in, so it isn`t a pressing problem. 
I also brought home seven flats of seedlings that just aren`t really labelled much at all. I know some are Mouruga blend x a 7-pot. The rest, who knows. I`ll find places for them with the help of local THP members. 
Shawn`s friend Gerry has been looking after all the plants and in all honesty he has done a remarkable job. I think there must be 250-300 left and Gerry has asked me to go over and pick out plants that can be taken to Shawn`s memorial next saturday, so that people can take one in memory of Shawn. 
Just my 2 cents here so take it for what it is worth. On one hand Shawn seemed to be a very giving type of person from what I knew, he liked helping people get started and everything else, into growing peppers I mean. On the other hand you have family of Shawn's also. First of all to anyone who gets his plants I think updating to his Facebook Memorial page with the plants progress should be requested of anyone who receives his plants, I mean, let the family see how something of his that got passed to others is progressing and growing and everything. Secondly I would hold auctions for some of his powders and seeds and so forth, then let the family decide what to do with the proceeds no matter the amount. If they want it to go to his daughter so be it, or to charity so be it, in my humble opinion I would let his closest family decide where it went. Lastly, he was a giving person, so give some of his peppers, or seeds, or plants, or powders, or whatever, away, Shawn was known to help people out to get started, keep that going on in his name. Do a little bit of everything with what you have to do those things with. 
One thing that if I was able to do I would have, and think if anyone else could would be a really nice thing to do is, if you get some of his plants and you are part of a Community Grow, plant some of Shawn's plants there and get one of those little 2x2 posts with a small thing on top with a dedication to Shawn.
Once again this was just my opinion. Nigel if you are still talking with Shawn's family please let them know they and Shawn are all in my prayers.
Sincerely, Reverend Michael Massey
Really great post, thank you very much, Reverend.

Nightshade said:
Wow 7 flats? He was a very dedicated grower he sounds like he was a true chili head
That`s just the tip of the iceberg. There are at least another 250-300 plants.
You are very welcome Nigel, and my offers to help of course still stand. If there is anything I can do at any point just let me know.
Nigel, these are all great ideas. I think it is wonderful that you are helping out Shawn's family with all of that. Is there any sort of fund to donate too that will help them out?
I think I may have solved the cryptic labelling on Shawn`s 7 flats of plants. About 18 of them are Faria. The rest are all Moruga blend using seeds from different people. i know Shawn had germinated a very large number of Moruga scorpion seeds - it`s how he found the single purple one. Anyway, 
if I`m right, I have around 160 Moruga blend seedlings. Yep, one hundred and sixty.  :eek:
Glad to hear that Shawns plants and peppers are being taken care of, Thank you Nigel for all your hard work in taking care of things.
We had been Emailing back and forth just a week before and he had said He was having problems who knew that he was in bad shape, He will be missed by all who knew him, I'm sure that what ever you and Gerry do will be the right thing, Such a shame that he passed so soon in life. 
wildseed57 said:
Glad to hear that Shawns plants and peppers are being taken care of, Thank you Nigel for all your hard work in taking care of things.
We had been Emailing back and forth just a week before and he had said He was having problems who knew that he was in bad shape, He will be missed by all who knew him, I'm sure that what ever you and Gerry do will be the right thing, Such a shame that he passed so soon in life. 
You got that 100% right. I was due to go to a brewery with Shawn the day he died. They had expressed an interest in using superhot peppers in some of their beers. 
I`m not working hard at all, just helping a friend as best I can. Gerry is doing an incredible job, truly incredible. I was there yesterday and the extent of the collection is astonishing, but Gerry has just taken it in his stride and even become a real pepper head!!!
Been reading some of the other posting of yours Nigel sounds like you have a handle on things, I'm glad to hear that the powder project is working out ok.
I'm glad that Gerry is helping out so some of the pressure is off you and that the plants and seeds will go to those that knew him the best. 
Thanks Wildseed, that`s very kind of you.
Gerry has been absolutely amazing, taking care of all of Shawn`s plants - probably 450+ until I took some from him to distribute to local folks, plus a chest freezer full of frozen pods and a dehydrator full of peppers. I cannot begin to say enough about what a great guy Gerry has been so far and continues to be. Amazing person.