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pests And now a bug....


Okay - this is apparently the week of bad pics. Just found this on one of the leaves this morning. Can you see it well enough to get an idea of what it is, and if so what?

One more bit of info - while this may be the thing that laid those eggs, the eggs were on a different plant. Yeah yeah, bugs move....
I don't know what it is but I'd terminate it. If it was a bad bug no worries. If it was a good bug, you may have to take over its duties. :lol:
'Tis dead..... kind of a wicked-looking thing, almost like a tiny silver-grey scorpion with wings.
out ole' damn spot......... sorry, had a Shakespeare flashback, highschool was a love/hate relationship. Meatloaf, ELO, Supertramp, Lionel Richie, Captain and Tennille, Queen, Bruce Stringstein, Bob Marley were my outs after an hour of Shakespeare. What's that have to do with you killing a bug, just dramatics.
Ah yes... Bruce was Boss back then. A spot of Shakespeare, though, is still better than Chaucer.... :lol: