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And the winner is...

Hungarian Hot Wax!
They would like to thank the Academy, their families, and MOST OF ALL this forum. ::applause::

I think all those wax flowers (8+) have set fruit. The cayenne, probably not. Let's see if these pan out over the next few days. The plants are still small so I'm a little concerned about stunting them. Maybe an experiment is in order where I pinch some of them off and leave the others.

First Fruit:

Some peppers just want to set fruit. No matter how much you pick buds off, they'll throw out more.
I'll take a closer look later when I spray down my new pets (aphids). I think I will pinch the 2 or 3 smallest plants and see how that plays out.
yeah my hungarian produced peppers in no time at all. I have lost a couple of peppers and buds due to drop though but no big deal
Mine did that last year. I also experimented with picking some and letting others grow. Have fun and I love watching flowers set buds.