• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
A few updates with some methods. I kind of figured some of those leaves showed chlorosis from over-watering or maybe touch of magnesium deficiency. Soooooo. I did nothing for a week, let pots get really really dry. Like next step would have been "wilt-dry." Then yesterday . . . hit them with two things: 1/4th teaspoon Epsom salt to quart and misted in case it was Mag deficiency and since am beginning tomatoes this week, am preparing: they also got an aspirin water mist yesterday.

They looked a lot better today:

The Trini Perfumes at bottom were nearly white on Sat. but have greened up. Orange Thai has completely greened.


These Mex Manzanos and Scotch Bonnets went greener.

And the Carib Reds are MUCH better, FWIW:


Now, a lot of folks might think Epsom salts do nothing, and that aspirin water for SAR or system acquired resistance is stupid or dangerous. But, again, since starting tomatoes, I'm beginning that mater regime with peppers: the little MoA's and others potted up didn't get Epsom but did get a TINY touch aspirin water: 1/4th 325 mg. aspirin to half-gallon water and didn't use it all. They also got ground cinnamon on the tops of soil in pot as I do that with tomatoes:


Pics too big, oh well. And since sure nobody's ever seen it, lol:


AND THEN today: 1/4 diluted this:

With this and these:

Molasses has calcium, magnesium and iron. 1/2 T. to gallon nute mix with this bottom water, in mosquito dunk water:

And then some mosquito dunk, Bti, water with these, always:


I'm so sold on Biotamax. It could be Efferdent but says: "B's subtilis, laterosporous (BOD), licheniformis, megaterium (Latin, meaning, "big beast" and is some rod-shaped, huge aerobic bene bacterial microbe), Bacillus pumilus, because one can use hydrogen peroxide with it and again, it's one of few fungicides that will survive H202 in the event get some REAL bad nasties, B. polymyxa which is supposed to protect roots and extend them with some sort of bio-film, and Paenibacillus polymyxa, which is basically the same deal as B. polymyxa. Bene-fungally it's supposed to have, if it's not Efferedent, lol, trichoderma harzianum, which suppresses diseases, and a bunch of other trichodermas. Ya don't use much: again: it could be freakin Efferdent. But seems to be working wonders for roots.

And, I've been asked why I use the bellow w/ peppers, because some folks assume it's made for tomatoes? But nope: all plants.


Streptomyces lydicus is a bacteria that prevents root rot, damping off, a host of fungal diseases, and helps plants take up nutrients. It has been rumored to stop damping off once it has begun. Dunno: not taking it that far, I hope. And can only imagine what this stuff would be and will be doing will plants once they get in soil with some guanos, compost, and vermicompost, which is one reason why am building it now. "But you use a soilless medium." Yeah, but the roots are organic, as living as any compost. And I may be wasting my time. But the way I over-watered, most seedlings would be dead. And mine could croak in a minute but just wanted to share: as most things in life, take what ya like and leave the rest. Much peace, Annie (Annie-hungry-go-eat :P )

And forgot new pic of Ramon's MoA's potted up Sat. Lousy pic, in hurry--this one had no signs of true leaf Sat:


Thanks for all the info! They're already climbing out of their little funk, good job on the early action. I used aspirin on my plants last year when they were sick...nothing gets rid of PMMoV, but it made the plants perform better in spite of their illness.
Shanes right,
There's alot of info...Biology, Chemistry and even some Anatomy thrown in to wake up us old folks................ :clap:

Great idea to let the soil dry out. I've noticed that method to be the fastest to green up the leaves. Kinda like spending too many hrs in a pool or hut tub....one can get pretty pale looking.

I too am a firm believer on the Epsom Salt mist. Any chemical sprayed on and below the plants leaves will be absorbed more rapidly than a soil drench. The problem with pouring chemicals in the soil and not flushing out is that they can build up . Too heavy of a dose of Nitrogen can burn the growing tips. i haven't used aspirin but the blackstrap molasses has made its way out of the cabinet. I'm glad to see the seedlings perking up.

I learn so much when I stop here.........although don't give me a quiz and please don't ask me to spell half of those words....lol
But it all makes sense and your ideas have their place in the growroom...
That's looks like good pepper voodoo to me.
Some of those little bene-fungi boogers may be in my AACT, but I'm gonna look for a little sack of that magic and make sure.
Epson salt, eh? I've still got some bright yellow tiny leaves, larger leaves look like there is some green pouring out the veins into them.
Thanks for all the info! They're already climbing out of their little funk, good job on the early action. I used aspirin on my plants last year when they were sick...nothing gets rid of PMMoV, but it made the plants perform better in spite of their illness.

Yep, Shane, PMMoV would terrify me; might be yanking plants: good on ya for having the courage to try to redeem them. That's a bad, bad virus! Amazing how a thing like acetylsalicylic acid breaks down, given light, heat, H20 into salicylic acid. And I thought about spraying them after they were wet from feed, but naw: I figured as dry as they were, really dry, not wilted but dry, the mist would trigger their SAR more effectively that dry. Dunno if that's how a plant thinks but . . . I'm glad you didn't toss the sick children! ;)
Thanks Annie. Great info. I have some googling to do. Great save on the babies BTW. Us ladies are pretty smart huh!!!!!!!!

Damn, Pia, ya made me think of Helen Reddy on that one and not thought of her since 1975! "I am strong./I am invisible./I am WO-O-MA-A-N!" :rofl: I didn't particularly care for that song but I reckon we all "embryos with a long, long way to go." Dang, girl! :rofl: I did a bunch a dang googling before I invested in the stuff. And spent lots of time in library while my students pretended to listen to research librarian. Of course, they remained MLA-confused and I got more hort/ag-confused! It's seriously deep stuff. Getting ready to soak some mater seeds since off tomorrow :dance:. (Wish that song would leave my head!)
Shanes right,
There's alot of info...Biology, Chemistry and even some Anatomy thrown in to wake up us old folks................ :clap:

Great idea to let the soil dry out. I've noticed that method to be the fastest to green up the leaves. Kinda like spending too many hrs in a pool or hut tub....one can get pretty pale looking.

I too am a firm believer on the Epsom Salt mist. Any chemical sprayed on and below the plants leaves will be absorbed more rapidly than a soil drench. The problem with pouring chemicals in the soil and not flushing out is that they can build up . Too heavy of a dose of Nitrogen can burn the growing tips. i haven't used aspirin but the blackstrap molasses has made its way out of the cabinet. I'm glad to see the seedlings perking up.

I learn so much when I stop here.........although don't give me a quiz and please don't ask me to spell half of those words....lol
But it all makes sense and your ideas have their place in the growroom...

Thanks, Greg! I think you'll like the long term effects of molasses for seedlings. Yeah: out for dinner when ready to defend dissertation in Eng/PostCol and told the other half I might just switch to Hort/Sustainable Ag. Man about choked on an oyster he'd just swallowed off half-shell. After he recovered (no chewing on the shell, lol) he said, "But, but, uh, umm, you don't even have a bachelor's in either . . ." I just shrugged and kept eating. A little :shocked: is good for my :cool: . When I was teaching on NCSU campus, I was late for lots of classes because I was watching the horticulture department clone azaleas to produce a quadricolor one! Or about caused a wreck STOPPING in traffic on I-40? to watch how they'd prepped to dump tulips--all red and white tulipd, but dang they did this stuff by dump-truck in peat (very alkaline soil there) w/bone-meal (I pulled over crossed interstate and asked) . . . absolutely fascinating. I throw Ep salts in planting hole. Along with myriad of other things. And had a spot in garden/field that just produced Septoria leaf spot no matter what I did on tomatoes. A Prue tomato plant looks like a wispy fern when healthy: can't take Septoria. Planted cukes there, got Angular leaf. It hardly takes a scientist to determine that something was wrong with that soil! So, last April began treating it with Actinovate and Biotamax. I mean, I treated 400 sq. ft. repeatedly until run-off. Spent a fortune. But, the good fungi and bacteria ate the bad stuff. And the villain didn't relocate. Since I don't trust it, am doing the same this year but giving entire garden/field one treatment when it's dry. Problem with just treating the planting hole is soil motility. But then treating the entire ground soil motility becomes a friend.

Dry is good, yes! YES! I followed your suggestions on how long to leave in bottom feed NHarvest w/molasses in skeeter dunk water and gonna see how long it takes for them to get that dry again. Dry ist sehr gute. (Must be exhausted; am speaking what little German I know?) No quizzes :rofl: I don't believe in testing; it proves how well somebody can take one and upchuck stuff we'll never use in context. But what was that root you used in the (drool) Thai curry, O LAWD, seafood, whew . . . looked like, but was not, ginger on steroids? Peace, hon; thanks for all your help!

That's looks like good pepper voodoo to me.
Some of those little bene-fungi boogers may be in my AACT, but I'm gonna look for a little sack of that magic and make sure.
Epson salt, eh? I've still got some bright yellow tiny leaves, larger leaves look like there is some green pouring out the veins into them.

JJJ, how dry is your soil? Greg's right on that one. Let it dry and I bet that yellowing disappears or dissipates. And even if your medium has mag, I'd not count on it hanging around. Also, calcium depends on mag for uptake. Even garden lime, both . . . are reduced over feedings. I love different AACTs depending on cycles. If you're using any molasses in the bacterial one, getting some cal/mag from that. As soon as I saw first blossoms last year, I went to fungal-based AACT. MAN! Corn meal is killer for that, as is some oatmeal ground up, wet it, stick in dark warm place, makes butt-load fungi. You're getting some! But just in case, Fifth Season carries Actinovate. And the Biotamax is wonderful stuff: online purchase only but it gets to ya fast. I doubt 5th carries it or my online search there yielded nothing. Gotta run up to A-ville this weekend and hope I don't mortgage the house or sumpin in 5th! Speakin of voodoo, here ya go--can't seem to get away from the dang German tonight! Pops Staples, rest his soul! Love that movie! But saw it in the orginal English :rofl: Peace, sweetie!
Great update Annie, I bookmarked as Greg says he learns so much, so do I ... thanks for all the information and everything looks great! I have to tell you that my seeds are Jamaican Habs not MoA's. The MoA's are STEVE954 seeds coined by him for the seeds he acquired from the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture; mine were from a farmer in the Parrish of Portland, not far from Boston Bay. Again, thanks for the info and great updates!

Oye muchacha como tu saves tanto ^_^
Looks like you have a handle on things, I need to do much of the same in a day or two including a spray of 1% peroxide to stop any mold and help prevent any damp off, luckily no other diseases. Like I said your on the right track.
Hey Annie,
"Galanga Root" is the Thai version of the Chinense Ginger Root. They similar but not the same. Some folks refer them as the Siamese Root. They are pretty pungent and fare up well with Lemon Grass. I can only find them in Thai-town here in the freezer section, as they are difficult to grow in the US. I may fire up the dehydrator and dry some slices. I bet it would make an intense powder.
Great update Annie, I bookmarked as Greg says he learns so much, so do I ... thanks for all the information and everything looks great! I have to tell you that my seeds are Jamaican Habs not MoA's. The MoA's are STEVE954 seeds coined by him for the seeds he acquired from the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture; mine were from a farmer in the Parrish of Portland, not far from Boston Bay. Again, thanks for the info and great updates!

Oye muchacha como tu saves tanto ^_^

Dang, Ramon: ya mean I gots to make new labels!? Geez. :rofl: No prob, sugar. Thank you for bringing to my attention. I've steered clear of the MoA "thingie here" and will remedy that: thank you for your JA Hab seeds! Aka, PoP seeds :D . Btw, the PoPs are doing wonderfully! Y savo/sabo poquito . . . bastante estar/ser peligrosa! ;) Thanks, m'ermano!

Hey Annie,
"Galanga Root" is the Thai version of the Chinense Ginger Root. They similar but not the same. Some folks refer them as the Siamese Root. They are pretty pungent and fare up well with Lemon Grass. I can only find them in Thai-town here in the freezer section, as they are difficult to grow in the US. I may fire up the dehydrator and dry some slices. I bet it would make an intense powder.

GALANGA! That was it! Hmm . . . we got lots of Hmong and a few Thai little markets but they maybe could get it if they don't have it . . . I'll ask about Siamese Root. On my grandmother's land--she bought some lemon grass from store years ago and rooted it: not supposed to survive cold winters. But her garden areas long time ago were pig lots. My cousin is now tending that and he covers everything with SUPER mulch--leaves--I had dill come back last year--and to my knowledge there's still some LG that he's divided, replanted, on her property. Gonna look into that. I imagine that the powdered version would be interesting since never had it THAT I KNOW OF. Again, probably have had it since I had Thai-Brit keyboardist roommate in Hollywood; he took me to some outrageously good Thai restaurants to extent virtually lived on Thai food. Thanks, Greg! :P

Looks like you have a handle on things, I need to do much of the same in a day or two including a spray of 1% peroxide to stop any mold and help prevent any damp off, luckily no other diseases. Like I said your on the right track.

George, yep: the H202 will stop mold/damping off. I tend to use ground cinnamon and FANS. As H202 supposedly kills (but I doubt this if dilute and I know you'd dilute), mycorrhizal applications, if one has added extra mycorr. Again, I doubt that if H202 is dilute and only takes a drop or two. Thanks!

Pia inspired me to list those with at least 2 sets true leaves, healthy stems, look like gonna make it for late April plant-out--last frost date is April 15 but after losing 50 plants in 2004, not me again!
  1. Harold St. Bart's (my seed)--3
  2. Caribbean Red (my seed/tradewinds)--5
  3. Fatalii Yellow (my seed/tradewinds)--5
  4. Fatalii Red (Chris Phillips?)--2
  5. Choc Hab (my seed/pepperlover)--4
  6. Datil (Jamie/Romy6)--4
  7. Scotch Bonnet Yellow (tradewinds)--4
  8. JA Reds Hab SB (tradewinds)--3
  9. Naga x Brain (Jamie/Romy 6)--2
  10. Bonda Ma Jacques (Kevin/Wayright)--2
  11. Douglah (Romy6Jamie/KevinWayright)--4
  12. Trinidad Scorp Moruga Red (pepperlover)--2
  13. Trinidad Scorp Moruga Yellow (pepperlover)--2
  14. Trinidad Scorp CARDI (Romy6/Jamie)--4
  15. Trinidad Perfume (pepperlover)--4
  16. 7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow (tradewinds)--3
  17. 7 Pod Yellow Large (pepper lover)--2
  18. 7 Pod Yellow (my seed)--3
  19. Peach Bhut (tradewinds and Chris Phillips)--4
  20. Choc Bhut (pepperlover)--4
  21. Naga Morich (my seed/pepperlover)--4
  22. Inca Red Drop (peppergal or peppermania or pepperlover?)--4
  23. Aji Limon (peppermania or pepperlover)--4
  24. Orange Thai (Romy6/Jamie)--4
  25. Mex Manzano (pepperlover)--4
  26. Orange Manzano (tradewinds)--3
  27. Red Manzano (pepper lover)--4
  28. Yellow Manzano (plover)--2
  29. 7 Pod Brown x Naga (Jamie/Romy6)--3
  30. 7 Pod Brown (Jamie/Romy 6)--3
  31. Ramon's PoP JA Habs (Ramon/Walkgood)--4
  32. Yellow Bouquet (Kevin/Wayright)--3 (Kevin says it makes a killer powder mixed with Yellow 7 Pod)
And for the less hots but tasty:
  1. Giant Jal--4
  2. Ixtapa Jal (I forgot who sent me these and am at work so will post update)--4
  3. Jal M (my seed)--4
  4. Cayene (shall I count the sources, all bought? no)--6
  5. Keriting Long (plover)--1
  6. Serrano (TGS)--4
  7. Serrano Tampequino (t-winds)--5
  8. Jaloro (TGS)--4
  9. Red Hot Cherry (?)--4
  10. Tabasco (my seed)--5
And less or not-hot but nice filler, stuffing, frying, powder blends ("a lot" means 4+):
  1. Aconcagua--a lot
  2. Giant Marconi--a lot
  3. Pasilla--a lot
  4. Guajillo--a lot
  5. Pobalano--a lot
  6. Anaheim--a lot
  7. Sweet Apple--a lot
  8. Kat's (a friend's) Yellow (tasty little upright suckers with some HEAT!)--a lot
  9. Kats's (Ibid) Orange--a lot
  10. Kat's Red (Ibid)--a lot
  11. Key West Cubanelle--a lot
A ton of bell-types, I don't want to discuss how many of, as my mother asked me to :D :banghead:: Cali Wonder, Sweet Banana, Big Bertha, Blushing Bell, Orange Bell, Red Bell, Gypsy . . . truthfully, they'll come in handy for hot chow-chow, harissa, maybe filler for pepper powders, whatever I don't take to her so she can she eat'n cook'n freeze. I better (long story) get her her Cayenne plants for her breakfast, pods, however.

And while not in hot pepper section: these got soaked in salt petre, H202, a little kelp and sown last night. I was whipped, lol. Again, not so great shots as cats were clawing to be fed and I was kinda not into demands at that point :evil: but . . . the idea . . .


Maters, so somebody can report me to THP police? Viva Italia, Super Sauce, San Marzano Gigante 3, Early Girl, Brandy Boy, Better Boy, Lemon Boy, Prue, Kosovo, Red Boar, Rutgers, Kellogg's Breakfast.

And . . .

Bella Rosa, Earl's Faux, German Johnson PL, Black Krim, Pink Tie-Dye, Arkansas Traveler, Big Beef, Solar Flare, Ananas Noir aka Black Pineapple, Lucky Cross, Tomatillo Verde, Sun Gold Cherry. And . . .


Peacevine Cherry, Black Cherry, Dill, Genoa Basil, Lemon Basil. Have friend growing Thai Basil: one less thing to sow. The basil is so cool: looks like frog eggs when soaked, but it still works that way.

A friend came down from Cherokee (to get out of snow) and is gonna help me "bury" onion transplants from Dixondale--they can handle a couple nights in 30's-- just did beets, more kale, and might even go for a round of spinach, in raised beds after I pound in some moth balls, deep into ground around perimeter of bed, to ward off some moles that I KNOW are messin' near one r-bed. Last thing I wanna feed 'em is root crop-bugs.

Those pics just suck, but have been juggler running out of hands and if I've offended the purist gurus, for not posting pics of maters in "Growing Other," forgive me. I sometimes seek permission pre-forgiveness and sometimes, short version of "Serenity Prayer"--eff it--seek forgiveness after permission taken :rofl: Updating with new pics of peppers soon. Much peace and happy, happy Thursday! Annie

And there wasn't double-spacing prior to . . . oh well. Time to plant some onions!
Dang, Ramon: ya mean I gots to make new labels!? Geez. :rofl: No prob, sugar. Thank you for bringing to my attention. I've steered clear of the MoA "thingie here" and will remedy that: thank you for your JA Hab seeds! Aka, PoP seeds :D . Btw, the PoPs are doing wonderfully! Y savo/sabo poquito . . . bastante estar/ser peligrosa! ;) Thanks, m'ermano!
Mi hermana I apologize for any confusion and you are now top on my list for seeds when I get some Scotch Bonnet MoA pods later this year ^_^ ... y yo no soy peligroso ;)
Here's to some spicy homemade spaghetti sauce!

Steve, yeah, uh, last year I smoked some Bella Rosa, Pantano Romanesco, and Tony's Italian tomatoes with a touch of basil, sea salt, few minutes--enough to get touch of smoke, firm a bit, then mixed with ton of seeded Prue, Kosovo and paste toms, reduced, with roasted garlic, onions, basils etc. Then got a wild thought to put in a Naga or 2-4, seeded (and maybe a Carib Red?), threw in chopped green bell to make it prettier (deceptive). Pressure canned 6 quarts of that sauce, maybe more marinara than spag or "all purpose" and called it, "Rome Burned." One friend called and cursed me, another called and tried to thank me but couldn't talk yet, but I do have one buddy who likes it a lot: we've destroyed it but it is nuclear for those without tolerance. Works great with manicotti/cannelloni/homemade pizza . . . really red sauce :P. Thanks, hon ;) Annie

How big did you say your greenhouse is? ;)

If I look south across the mountain and see a horde of peppers and tomatoes climbing up above the ridge line. I'll know where they came from. :D

Eh, maybe everybody looks over a ridge and they see our peppers and toms joining . . . with kudzu running away :rofl: "News at 11:00." ?

I don't think I've ever read of using so many different things to grow peppers. Good luck Annie.

Thanks, Patrick!

Mi hermana I apologize for any confusion and you are now top on my list for seeds when I get some Scotch Bonnet MoA pods later this year ^_^ ... y yo no soy peligroso ;)

Aw, yo se que no eres peligroso and thanks in advance for the seeds :dance: I'll make sure to send you some nice care packages as well, "meu germa" (como se dice "mi hermano" en Catalan o Valencia. Fue muy raro: aprendi espa&ntilde;ol y cuando llegue a Valenica, nadie lo habl&oacute; :shocked: !)

Wow..........what a list !... My eye's are still rolling like a "piano roll" that just ended on a "player piano"

You have the variety going, I'm looking forward to see what happens in your "Garden of Annie"

Ya know what, Greg: I too am looking forward to see what happens! A friend came over, took a look at these seedlings, and asked if I was going to hire help. Am gonna have to definitely set up "pick ya own" or take some plants to farmer's market. So same friend asked me if I wouldn't be worried about people stealing from "pick your own." I :rofl:"NO: PLEASE take some! I'll pick them for you!" Actually, on the tomatoes, I do heirlooms (or I justify this insanity) for older folks living in an unassisted retirement place that's actually pretty nice. One gentleman was paying me, insisted on it, a buck per Kellogg's B-fast tom, smh. And a few (okay, two) of them really liked the superhots. I keep worrying gonna kill somebody that age, but this one guy flagged me down from his wheelchair when I was driving by and told me he gave "a bite of one of them fatalee" to his son. "That boy spit and coughed, turned red, drank about a gallon of my milk, but I think they're good on scrambled eggs!" Damn.

Wowwww Annie. That's amazing. What a hell of a list. I can't wait to see your garden pics. I'm getting excited for plant out now. Like a kid at Disney World. Aahahhaaaa

Me too, Pia! But ya know, if I can't bring myself to sell some of these seedlings at F-market . . . tomatoes, I got no problem with but . . . the peppers?! lol! I need somebody to keep me in line on that. I can hear the other half, "Why'd you get another azalea?" Me: " :silenced: and :D" Peace, hon. Where you gonna put all that in your list? I was breifly (very briefly) considering "green roof."
Selling some of mine...Feels like I'm selling my kids! :mope: I only have room for so many though. Plus I'm sure most of them will end up DEAD!!! Of course...by the time they die...I will already have used the $$$ to buy more soil for my keepers! Sounds like a tough ole bird eating your superhots! Just don't take them the REAPER you're already in Carolina wouldn't want to be the one to make it live up to its name! Take them HP22Bs instead!
Selling some of mine...Feels like I'm selling my kids! :mope: I only have room for so many though. Plus I'm sure most of them will end up DEAD!!! Of course...by the time they die...I will already have used the $$$ to buy more soil for my keepers! Sounds like a tough ole bird eating your superhots! Just don't take them the REAPER you're already in Carolina wouldn't want to be the one to make it live up to its name! Take them HP22Bs instead!

Yeah, does feel like selling kids . . . is that legal? :surprised: How come you think they'll die? Semper Fi! Yeah, that old fella blows my mind, now. Hardeehar, Shane: don't want to send anybody to The Reaper! Not growing it as several have commented on its taste, "unflavorably." Are you growing that one?