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Annuals and Perennials

I have some pepper plants that have seemed to shut down while others still producing and flowering. All these plants get the same nutes, water, sun etc...... I have a few that I might over winter because they are doing so well and others dropping leaves like my fruit trees are doing. Is this normal and do some of you experience the same kind of thing with your peppers ?
My plants will tend to drop more leaves after a big push of pods so I worked out a system where I will prune back any bare branches and shorten the longer ones until I have a fairly uniform size/shape. Then I hit it with some good quality 10-20-20 granules and scratch it into the dirt about an inch or so. Add to that 1/2 strength foliar fertilizer every other watering and watch the plant boost out again. Another mad harvest of pods 4 weeks later lasting about a month and then leaf drop, cut back, etc. all over again. I keep mine going all year round so it works for me although I think if I spent more time with my plants I might be able to keep from having so many leaves dropping and be able to prolong my harvest times.