Another ID thread


not long ago, I received a ´mini-chilli´ plant from one of my relatives. Unfortunately, the previous owner doesn´t know what chilli is in the pot... If you recognise the pepper plant, please help my ID this bad boy. Also, there is a problem with the leaves of the you know what could be the problem?

Thanks in advance and best wishes!



it looks like an "AJI" of some kind
C. Baccatum

well at least this is a start :lol:
sorry i could not help a little more, lets see what other will say
oh leaf prob looks like too much overhead watering i can see one of your stems is brown too, i have an AJI Omni-Color that had leaves like that awhile back, it fully recovered as soon as the weather dried up around here, i would remove the really bad leaves but no too many, the plant will handle most of it on its own, give it time and reduce watering and when you do water water the soil only
after it has recovered better i would re-pot it into a larger one

hope this helps

thanks your friend AJIJOE