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Another Not Black Naga

Picked this yesterday:



It was good, had near-bhut heat, but not too much bhut flavor. I think it would be good dried and used as a powder. May or may not grow this next year, will save the seeds anyway.
Looks like a hot pod, though. I can see the oil.

I just ordered a Black Naga plant. It seems that it is possible to get red King Naga pods.

"This is the Chocolate version of the King Naga. It also is a very productive plant. Nice sweet heat flavor just like other chocolate chinense varieties. Average heat between 700,000-800,000 Scoville units. The stability of this variety is unknown because not many have grown it. So it is possible you could get red King Naga pods."

Source: http://store.myorgan...9-P2519845.aspx
Interesting, though my seeds came from somewhere else and there's always the chance it was somehow mixed up... the thing looks like what I imagine a choco bhut x yellow 7 pot I'm growing would look like.

I had another black naga end up looking like 7 Pot Barrackpores and turning yellow on me! I'll take some pics in a day or two when they ripen more.
unstable hybrids...there are getting to be more and more of them going around and you just don't know what you will get when you grow them...
yup...that is why I have decided to grow only my seedstock in the future....at least I know the history behind it...this is like the 5th year I have grown my original strains...

I will let others develop the hybrids while I on the other hand will grow something I am 95% sure will be what I am expecting...
yup...that is why I have decided to grow only my seedstock in the future....at least I know the history behind it...this is like the 5th year I have grown my original strains...

I will let others develop the hybrids while I on the other hand will grow something I am 95% sure will be what I am expecting...

I'm still on the fence. I have a few varieties I definitely want to grow, but a few others I'm also very curious to see how they turn out. But then again, even the ones I want to see that are crosses, they are mostly my own crosses so I know what went into them...
I will do everything possible to keep my NOT Black Naga Mean Red Cross mother plant alive. My 2nd year plant is kicking out a lot of pods that look mean as hell. I'm in love with that plant! I never have overwintered a C. chinense plant before. I now am a firm believer in the merits of it.

Yeah, your NBN looked great. I overwintered two plants, but didn't bother pruning them at all. This year I will probably overwinter a few, I have some nice ones... but will do some serious pruning to just keep the plants alive and nothing else...