Another what is that Disease thread.

So have this copper colored disease spreading on my plants. I only see it on top of the leafs and not the underside.
First started on some leggy 7 pods that I had. The I noticed on a Dorset and a red bhut. 


Have this second disease also on my white bhuts. It`s mostly on edges of the leafs. I`ll throw up some more pics of this best I have for now.

How big are the plants? Is this starting with the lower leaves then possibly moving up? Looks like you are growing in the ground - how often do you water and/or has it rained a lot?
The copper colored issue could be a rust virus. The second photo looks somwhat like sunscald. The 3rd photo looks a little like bacterial leaf spot. I don't have a ton of knowledge on the topic though, maybe someone else will chime in.
Mallory said:
The second photo looks somwhat like sunscald. The 3rd photo looks a little like bacterial leaf spot. I don't have a ton of knowledge on the topic though, maybe someone else will chime in.
     I thought the same thing re: BLS and sun scald. To be sure, I would definitely quarantine the plant with the brown ring-shaped spots. If they get bigger and/or spread trim off the affected leaves and look into treatments. If you have extras, just cull it.
geeme said:
How big are the plants? Is this starting with the lower leaves then possibly moving up? Looks like you are growing in the ground - how often do you water and/or has it rained a lot?
There aboust 9 inchs to 12. Yeah it`s on lower big leaf. There not in the ground have them in 4 inch pots. They have been on dryer side. We have has on rain in CA. 
Mallory said:
The copper colored issue could be a rust virus. The second photo looks somwhat like sunscald. The 3rd photo looks a little like bacterial leaf spot. I don't have a ton of knowledge on the topic though, maybe someone else will chime in.
The first 2 pics are the same. It stared on my legy 7pods and showed up on couple others. The 3rd photo is of some whit bhuts that have spots.
dash 2 said:
     I thought the same thing re: BLS and sun scald. To be sure, I would definitely quarantine the plant with the brown ring-shaped spots. If they get bigger and/or spread trim off the affected leaves and look into treatments. If you have extras, just cull it.
I might just chuck them. Funny it`s only on one strain of plants. There also look like warts or scabs on the main stems of plants. There purple in color I`ll take pics tommarow.
So how do you confirm if it`s rust or not and how do you kill it?
Thanks Guys for response.
If only one strain is effected, it could be because those seeds were infected with a disease before you ever planted them. The 3rd pic really looks like BLS though, and there is no cure. You can remove the infected leaves and spray with copper to prevent the spread of the disease, but you will have to keep up on it. I would just isolate the other plants if you can. It would be a shame to destroy them if all you have is sunburn. As for diagnosing rust, all I can say is look at photos of rust on google and see if they match up. You will know in time.
Well guy little update came to hard decision but in long run it will be better. Garbged the whit bhuts and the 7 pod oranges. Shame the white bhuts were my best growers.

I thinking you guys might be right that it is just sun burn on 7 pods. But I think the gentics were weak on those plants I kept one just to see he did not have anyting on him so will see.

here is couple more pics of the disead plants. You can see the spots on the stem.

spots on lower leaves.

Final sad pic.
Make an AACT and hit them with that and keep them in a seperate area! Dont give up so easily.
Most of that looks like bacterial infection brought on by over watering/ to wet of an area.
Cayennemist said:
Make an AACT and hit them with that and keep them in a seperate area! Dont give up so easily.
Most of that looks like bacterial infection brought on by over watering/ to wet of an area.
I want to trust me it wasnt easy to do that. Those were my best growing plants I had.  My other plants I had growing next to them never showed any sing of this. Yeah one wasnt to bad.
You have me second guessing now.
But that said I gave a couple to a guy he stresed them a little under a light he was growing them. The white bhuts I gave hime broke out in this spots pretty good, New growth old growth. This is mostly on older growths.Then couple other strains i gave him started showing it. I dont know what this might be. I think it might not be contguis as BLS but given the chance it will jump. I have a limted area to grow. And I`m afraid some one in my family will move it next tot the others, even if I were to tell them not too. It suck living with family some tmes.
What is AACT?
Actively Aerated Compost Tea I thinks this is what you talking about.