• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
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Anothet reason to use lots of vermicompost

This quote from another forum:
OK, I skimmed through all 4 pages of posts on this thread, so maybe I missed it, but why is nobody talking about how worm castings supposedly can make your peppers way hotter? They did a study in India and grew a variant of Bhut Jolokia all the way up to 4.7 million Scovilles using worm castings.

It's a fairly technical article, seems legit. You can read it here:

This one new to me!>Impact of nutrient management, soil type and location on the accumulation of capsaicin in Capsicum chinense (Jacq.): One of thehottest chili in the world

I lost interest after the 7th graph and not understanding it or the previous 6... Supposedly buried in there is a factoid that they got a Bhut Jolokia variant that recorded 4.7 million scovies? If you find it let me know......
I feel like I've been making a mistake by not top-dressing my plants with worm castings regularly.
My healthiest plants are definitely the aji pancas growing in coco coir + worm castings, so I'm hoping I might be able to get my ones growing in the peat-based Pro Mix into better shape by providing them with the stuff.