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Antibiotic help

Most of my plants have been having difficulty with brown spots around the edge of the leaves, gradually spreading to the center and then the leaf falls off. Neither giving them more or less ferts has helped, nor has calcium/magnesium supplements. Bonide spray has likewise been ineffective. Because of technical difficulties, I cannot upload a picture but it looks the same as here: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/28968-help-mass-leaf-spot-nightmare/?hl=%2Bbrown+%2Bspots .
If I should water with soap or h2o2, how much per amount of water. The reason I bring this up is because 1) some of the plants are unique and 2) The leaf spots seem to decreas the ammount of peppers that the plants grow. Should I just trim the leaves or what.
Thanks for the help.
Here's a link to a site's page about using hydrogen peroxide in gardening: http://www.using-hydrogen-peroxide.com/gardening-with-hydrogen-peroxide.html
I remove leaves that have unhealthy parts as soon as I see them. Be careful not to touch other leaves in the process, so you don't possibly spread whatever is going on. Bag the leaves and throw them in the trash, then carefully wash your hands. Alternately, use disposable gloves when you remove the leaves, and be sure to toss the gloves as well as the leaves. Still wash your hands afterwards.
That said, I am not sure I understand your expectations. Generally a leaf that has an issue such as a brown spot will not return to normal. New growth, however, should come out healthy if you're correctly addressing the problem. Calcium and magnesium are important to peppers during the production stage, and help prevent BER (blossom end rot) of the pods, so you don't want to stop giving those supplements if your plants are producing. They're still important at other times, but just not so much. 
My plants are doing something similar. I have no idea what the cause is. The veins on the back of the leaves are brown and look burnt. If it is a virus and its throughout the plant, its up to the plant to eliminate the virus. Applying H2O2 will not help a plant if the problem is within the plant but H2O2 will kill everything that is in the soil. H2O2 will not be absorbed into the plant as H2O2.
Sarge said:
My plants are doing something similar. I have no idea what the cause is. The veins on the back of the leaves are brown and look burnt. If it is a virus and its throughout the plant, its up to the plant to eliminate the virus. Applying H2O2 will not help a plant if the problem is within the plant but H2O2 will kill everything that is in the soil. H2O2 will not be absorbed into the plant as H2O2.
I'd try beneficial bacteria/fungi as a preventative measure. Try some compost tea, it will probably help prevent spread of the disease 