Antilles Fire

Someone here must know something about the Antilles Fire pepper. I just ate one (see review later tonight) and it was fantastic. So come on, tell me what it is, where it came from and anything else you may know. I assume, being simple, that it originates in the Antilles Islands. It is NOT the Antillais red habanero
Flavour was initially very Hab-like, but changed to be more Scorpion-like. And HOT. I thought it was going to be Hab-like in heat to start with. Boy, was I wrong  :fireball:
30 minutes after eating it I have this lovely cherry-like flavour in my mouth and a great all-over warmth. What an awesome pepper. Yes, I kept a few seeds!
So come on, what are these things?

It was sent to me by Smileyguy697, aka Mike. Can you post some photos of your plant/peppers please?
Here ya go!

Idk... I only found 2 or 3 reviews on them. I've googled and came up with almost nothing. All i was told was they were heavy producers. Maybe silversurfer will chime in cause he grew them before.
meinchoh said:
I've heard great things about the pepper, but not a lot of folks seem to grow it. Great job, Mike!! Love the pooch too!
Thanks bud! It seems like its going to be quite the productive plant with quite large pods! I've only eaten half of a smaller one with dinner so I'm not sure how they pan out. Lol.. My sis is in town from Florida and were going to use the ripe one in the pic in a pot of chili tomorrow. Can't wait!
Beth at Peppermania found this pepper a while back.
May be related to Antilais Carribean.

I've got one from her seeds growing outside now from seeds she gave me a couple years ago.
I think she said she has been growing it for quite a while and only started selling seeds a little while ago.
Though she did spread some around for a couple years before she sold them, wanted to be sure they grew true.

Mine are varied,so far as far as pod variations go.
BUT I got mine from the source.
The ones I have are super hot looking with different pod shapes +/-.
ALL are hotter than Habs. in general.
Real close in looks to the 7 pot Chaguanas #2.Depending on the seed stock you have.
BUT I have several generations of these seeds From Beth.

A Lot are like Antilais Caribbean pods,but nastier.Wrickled but a lot hotter.
Awesome review Nigel! I just love how descriptive and how well you cover every aspect of the pepper! Thanks again for doing that for me, now if we can just figure out what it is. Lol... Can't wait tosee how you like the others!
Hahaha! The whole family is on the computer watching!
Great video, Nigel.
You have a special bond with your birds.
If I am ever out that way, I am looking you up.
You've been warned.
Super review, Nigel! Sadie (my severe macaw) was watching Baby rather intently through the whole process! That sounds like a fantastic pod.
meinchoh said:
I hope she knows what she's getting into!! Let me know if that plant becomes TOO productive  :)
Ha, she has an idea but lol.. Yeah that Says it all. She's been eating peppers a little bit now and really enjoys them. I've actually got her growing some plants in Florida this year! But yeah this chili of gonna be an ass kicker lol. Oh and her bf said he might try a whole one. He's gonna be in trouble if so. Lol.. He couldn't hardly handle the Caribbean red he ate last time he came. Lol
GnomeGrown said:
Great video, Nigel.
You have a special bond with your birds.
If I am ever out that way, I am looking you up.
You've been warned.
Just give me 12 hours notice...............
meinchoh said:
Super review, Nigel! Sadie (my severe macaw) was watching Baby rather intently through the whole process! That sounds like a fantastic pod.
Big fan of all macaws. I`ve even been lucky enough to see a lot of them in the wild, including Severe macaws. 
Great pod, really awesome. I highly recommend it.