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Any chance this is a reaper?

Doesn't look like it... I'm thinking more of a Bhut or Naga maybe?
     The guy I bought my seeds from says that Reaper plants sometimes produce pods that look like other peppers (habaneros etc…) when they're still young. Then once the plants get older they start to throw out pods that look more like Reapers. But the guy I bought my seeds from is also an idiot.
     So, in short, no I don't think you have a Reaper.
grinhead24 said:
romy6- I bet you could guess the company.
Let me guess... his name rhymes with Paker's Beppers.
Well, I can say for sure that you definitely do not have a reaper. Ole "jepper poe" is correct though, they throw some odd pods every now and again - but not in your case, way too far off. My reapers came from "jepper poe", but fortunately mine are indeed true. Is this the only plant you have an issue with, or are there others?

....these were actually grown from said seeds:

I may have been lucky, but can only attest to what I have personally grown. For this season, his were all true (for me at least).