any cure for cap cramps .. wife has em bad

depending on how recently the "cause" was injested...
peanut butter-
milk, dairy, ice cream, cottage cheese with sugar-
straight sugar, high sugar fruits/veggies like carrots or apples-
bread or plain crackers-
will settle the tummy
if the culprit is in the intestinal track, it's pretty much a ride it out.  Depending on what was eaten, it could be a 20 minute ride...or longer....
What's a "long time ago"? 
The body reacts to capsaicinoids in the mouth ("This Pepper is SOOO HOOTTTTT!!!") and also in the stomach and intestines when they are absorbed into the system=heat flush, endorphin rush, cramps, pain on the Backside (usually the day after~)....
While the pepper/sauce/whatever is in the stomach, there's a chance it can mix with some dairy products or oily products which will dilute the capsaicinoids and lessen their effects on the body.  Once it's in the intestines...I don't think there's much to do but endure. 
Exlax might hurry things along.....:shrug:    So sorry for her~
Lots of yogurt. That always helps me. Can't go wrong with Strawberry. No High Fructose Corn Syrup. Only sugar or natural sweeteners.
Reaper is a BIG step up from the bhut. Bhut has an average of 700k, max of 1.5m and a low of 300k depending on where it is. The reaper has a max of 2.2M and a average of 1.5M. Cap cramps don't hit until nearly 2 hours in for me, even on pods that weren't that hot.  Take the normal headache medicine with the pepper, and by the time it sets in the cap cramp will be just starting. It won't prevent it, just let you ignore it well enough if you eat yogurt or cheese. I'm personally less concerned with cap cramps then I am with the fact that that pepper has gotta leave somehow.
Cure, not really. If you have stomach cramps I recommend a minimum of 2 tablespoons of olive oil (any oil with do). Wait 5 minutes, then repeat. 
Preparation is key to lessening/avoiding them. I posted this last year sometime. This is what I drink before eating superhot peppers. Most people who do it on a regular basis have a similar type of pre-match deal. Some eat peanut butter sandwiches. This recipe is kinda similar to an advanced peanut butter sandwich in liquid form.
I advocate never drinking anything that is water-based after eating superhot peppers, such as milk, soda, ice-water etc. For me, it makes things a lot worse. When I say a lot, I mean Alien-coming-out-of-the-stomach worse.
1 scoop whey protein powder (28-30g protein). Any protein will do if you are dairy intolerant
8 oz water. Full fat milk or skimmed milk are fine too, but I don`t find they make any difference to the results.
3 large tablespoons peanut butter. More if you are that way inclined (I don`t like peanut butter). I`ve also use almond butter and cashew butter with the same results. 
3 tablespoons olive oil (any cooking oil will do). I like the taste of olive oil a lot.
1 ripe banana
juice of one lime
3 or 4 ice-cubes
Throw in a blender and smash it all to bits. Drink 20-30 minutes before eating.
I have played around with the recipe quite a bit and this is about as good as I can get it. Occasionally, I will still get mild to moderate stomach cramps. If you then take 2 tablespoons of oil, it will quell the fire inside. If the cramps start to come back, repeat the 2 tablespoons of oil.
DO NOT DRINK ANYTHING THAT IS WATER-BASED, like soda or fruit juice. If I drink milk at this point, it also makes things worse for me.