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pests Any idea what type of bug this is?

Is this just a type of aphid or something else. Its been raining today any I noticed these over most of my plants.


This is the top of one of my 7 pod plants where the growth is getting brittle and shrivled and will probably stunt growth.
I really dont know what to do at this point, ive taken all kinds of measures to try and prevent this from happening but it just continues...

Fade...are you talking about what appears to be two bugs below where the plant branches? If so the one on the left looks like it's developing wings...just a guess...white fly?

The top leaf on the sick plant looks to have white specs...aphids or white flies??

Tough to say from pics...I know you got a new camera...do you use a tripod? If you do, set the camera to self timer so there is no shake when you press the shutter release....If it's windy and the plant is moving, it's super tough to get focused shots...

I'm convinced that our sick plants are doomed....crinkly, leathery, stunted growth and I've thrown a lot at them except hydrogen peroxide....I'm concentrating on the healthy ones now but would really like to know what the scoop on these plants are so we don't have to deal with it again....I wonder if the guy in Trinidad ever had this problem...


BTW...you know your obsessed when you pick up an LED Headlight at the drug store (worn on your head like a miner's light) to examine your plants at 2 AM , finding caterpillars, aphids, mites , etc.....:D
Hi Bossman, the the white specs in the image are glare from the water droplets.
I may not have any healthy plants eventually, which pretty much happened during my last crop of seedlings last year.
Sometimes i get so frustrated I feel like dumping them all in a 50 gallon barrel and setting them all on fire.

And whatever causes this, it only happens to my pepper plants.
I have basil growing in the back yard like its on steroids and I dont even fertilize or spray pesticide on the basil.

It was a rainy day so i spent most of the day trying to find some information about it on the internet. I searched till my eyes were about to bleed once again and nothing.
Sick Carib Red cut back...what the heck, nothing to lose


Bottom and top of sick leaves on bhut....it just seems like the leaves can't breath....leathery on top and it looks like the veins on the bottom can't move nutes...


I'd try giving them a shot of Calcium.It can be a calcium deficientcy crinkling your leaves.
It also could be an aphid spread virus.
I wouldn't toss the plant yet.
I've seen plants get over some viruses caused by aphids.
Use a calcum additive like Foli-Cal (calcium acetate),it doesn't have to break down.Plants can use it right away.water with it and folier spray.
As an added extra it uusually causes massive budding within a few days too. :)
Some articles say to water with 1 1/2 asparin in 2 gal. of water and it's supposed to help the plants get over and not get some viruses.
It's supposed to make the plants go into anti virus mode...
Well worth a try.
If it's a virus and it's spread by aphids you'll never figure out what plants it came from so tossing plants won't really do anything-it could be from a non pepper plant too.
I don't toss plants , I let them die or get over it.
My theory is that if 1 plant has it most have been exposed and are either resistant or already have it.
I see a lot of plants get over it.
Here is the red savina plant that was totally covered with with wrinkled leaves 2 weeks ago. I trimed some of the worst branches off.
This is the plant this evening.


Here is the big healthy chocolate hab that had the issue about a month back. This is how it looks now.


This is on of the lower brances that suffered from the issue.


As you can see in the final pic the stems become bare and growth stops untill a new branch forms. And whats left of the old stems turn brown and dry up.
When this happens to young plants with just one single trunk that has not branced out it causes the plant to get severely stunted.
And then the plant never really gets very tall rather the new braches stem out from below when and if the plant makes a recovery.
I have seen this cycle happen numerous times on a few of my older larger scotch bonnet plants, some of which are still looking bad and in limbo while a few have made amazing recovery.
What really gets me the most is that I cant put my finger on what it is...
I've hit some of my worst ones with Blossom End Rot spray, Calcium Chloride I believe, since that's all I could find around here...

I still say it's CdTV...transmitted by white Fly....but that's just my best guess from all the research I've done...

Thanks for your help Smoke....

BTW what do you make of the bugs in the pic?
SS I have tried that before and never found anything to drop on the paper.
The only bugs iv'e seen are some white flies and some aphids occasionally.
Unless the pests are feasting on my plants at night and hiding in the day.
Silver_Surfer said:
That's a classic example of thrip damage. Shake the plant or thump the leaves over a sheet of white paper and see if you get some tiny specks on the paper that move. ;)

SS...to date, I have not had any luck on the paper test....HOWEVER......you are the man! I really believe that this is the problem....I'm posting a couple of links below...first reported case reported in Palm Beach County was 2005.....I also recall my now ex=wife and I planted Mexican Heather that died a terrible demise like my peppers, and per the article that is one of the plants affected..

I need to find out whee my local extension is so I can get a definitive answer...





