Any idea whats happening here?

First time grower, in need of a more experienced eye.. my pepper has had a rough go as its my first time growing a pepper plant. First i had bumpy leaves that i attributed to low calcium. Increased that and all seems well in that area.. Now some of my leaves have started folding sideways near the tip.. i'm wondering if this is caused by something i am doing or possibly pest/disease. Perhaps there is a way to treat/prevent this.. or better yet, maybe its normal. One can hope lol.. here is a picture of one of the leaves.. any idea whats happening here?
I could be wrong but I don't really see anything's completely normal IMO to have oddly shaped leaves occasionally least it is for my plants...I'm sure a pro will chime in...:)
Thats what i hoped to hear!! Its a very low percentage of the leaves. Maybe 1 in 10. Figured i better find out incase its an issue i needed to get on top of early
It most often happens where there is ample nitrogen and a lot of sun, or if you were nutrient locked and needed acid rain to dissolve some minerals.  Basically the tissue of the leaf is growing faster than the veins and will usually self correct later.
My guess would be from the chicken poop compost. Supposedly high in nitrogen.. my dirt is 1 part composted chicken poop, one part dirt from the garden, one part sand, and one part potting soil.. used bone meal to stop the bumpy leaves.. every other week it gets a watering with fish fert.. perhaps i will knock the fish fert back to every 3 weeks