As a brand new company, I started at a large local flea market here in NJ this September and October (took November off to focus on rebranding) and although a good 90% of the people who tried my sauces said they really liked them, maybe half the people made a purchase. You will find this frustrating and want to know why they didn't make a purchase. Is it price? Bottle size? No cash on hand? By the looks on their faces you will believe they were sincere, so you will ask yourself those questions.
Although I will not be returning to that flea market for December, overall I cannot say I was not happy with the turnout over that two month period. It was a lot of fun to meet and talk to people about peppers and the like. It was even more fun when a customer would come to my stand, ask if this is hot (almost arrogantly) because "nothing is too hot for me", take a sample, immediately say, oh this isn't hot and begin to walk away. Three seconds later they'd turn around and their mouth would be burning from the slow heat (and to be honest I don't sell any burn your face off sauces - yet :-) ), and I just cross my arms and smile with them.
You will find most people are very pleasant, but still you need to chose the venue wisely. That was just one flea market so I will try my hand at farmers markets and vendor fairs. If it isn't working out there are other places you can try. Since leaving I have experienced increased online sales by people (return customers) who were disappointed to see me leave the flea market. And I've gotten online purchases by the case.
If the cost for the space isn't too much, you should give it a try.