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seeds Any tips on growing Ulupica and Covincho from seed?

Hello Everyone!

Let me start off by stating that this past year has been my first year for growing peppers, so I am definitely still in the learning stage!

I just acquired some Ulupica and Covincho seeds from Bolivia (http://stores.ebay.com/AndeanCropSeed). My initial thought is to start the seeds in horticubes, and then transplant them into containers that have Happy Frog soil (Fox Farms).

Am I on the right path? Should I do something different? What considerations do I need to be aware of? I have great success when I start my chiltepins in the horticubes. Should I have the same success with the Ulupica and Covincho?

Also, I read on the Chili Database that Ulupica plants do not readily self pollinate. Any advice?


I've grown Ulupica from seed and never had any problems, The seeds came from a fellow that traveled to Bolivia, I never noticed that they might tend to be self steril but they seemed to produced more pods when planted next to other cardenasii types.
You should have the same success. The only thing you might have a problem with is germinating them. The covincho is a c.chacoense and in my opinion, the chacoense weren't that difficult to grow. Ulupica will probably take longer to germinate. I would grow atleast two of the ulupica if you are worried about pollination. Some of the rarer wild varieties are labeled as self incompatible,but I have seen folks grow them with no problems.