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any tricks on how on get my pepper plants to set more?

OK. This is my 3rd grow year of veggies. I grow a few different things in my garden, most fav peppers and my tomatoes. For some reason my hab plants are not setting out the peppers like they have in the years past. Everything else is doing great with tons of peppers. I was really wanting lots of habs to ferment for some crazy good sauce this year. Thanks to everyone on here i am setting out a bigger variety of peppers next year. I have read about hot peppers on here that i never knew existed and i thought i knew my peppers, wrong again. Anycow, any tips on what i could maybe do to my hab plants?
How hot is? Is hotter this year than last year? I see lots of members from the USA complaining about the heat.


If it's to hot Chinense varieties can't set pods :(
grow them better

I guess you may be right, however, i have a good ph level, use lots of compost, plus chicken manure last fall, so the conditions should be about perfect. The only thing that may be too much is my nitrogen level, might. Sure take any advice. And everything else i am growing or have already harvest was AWESOME, plus they looked GREAT!!!!
Ezzer-is been hot, n the upper 90s. I just do not thing that is the prob. I would think they could take much hotter temps than that, plus i water them when they need it. just not sure what the deal is
Ezzer-is been hot, n the upper 90s. I just do not thing that is the prob. I would think they could take much hotter temps than that, plus i water them when they need it. just not sure what the deal is
When you have day time temps above 95 it kills the pollen, just a thought.
My set rate went up through the roof when I started to give the stems a 'vibrate' between my fingers when flowers open and full of pollen. Same deal as tomatoes to help them pollinate if you are lacking the bees etc. Sucks to be me because I also had fruit fly that season and was smashed with maggots in my peppers. Live and learn :)
If you want that your peppers plants produces more fruits ( pods ) when plant start growing tall cut the main stem(trunk ) plant will get bushier & producess lot of fruits. :)
Give it time, I blame it on the heat wave! It seems that the 2nd harvest in late summer/early fall is always more productive due to the cooler daytime/evening temps. plus the shorter daylight hours, the plants tend to be larger and produce more flowers.
If you want that your peppers plants produces more fruits ( pods ) when plant start growing tall cut the main stem(trunk ) plant will get bushier & producess lot of fruits. :)

This how this C.Galapagoense 9747500038few year back was bushy & loaded with pods after I trim the main trunk.

Thanks people. Great info and helped a lot. One question to 915river. When you trim the main stalk to get the plant to bush out will it cause it to produce smaller peppers? The reason i ask i think about my tomato plants. I always sucker them so i get taller plants with less tomatoes. I end up getting less tomatoes, but they are bigger tomatoes since it has fewer for the plant to focus on. Great stuff though. I am headed out there here in a few to do a little vibration. I never thought about that but makes since. :dance:
Thanks people. Great info and helped a lot. One question to 915river. When you trim the main stalk to get the plant to bush out will it cause it to produce smaller peppers? The reason i ask i think about my tomato plants. I always sucker them so i get taller plants with less tomatoes. I end up getting less tomatoes, but they are bigger tomatoes since it has fewer for the plant to focus on. Great stuff though. I am headed out there here in a few to do a little vibration. I never thought about that but makes since. :dance:

You can trim the main stalk on pepper plant when plant start maturing like about 16 inches tall,about tomato plants I never trim only pull the suckers,tomato size wise depend on variety like heirloom tomato & some hybrid variety produces extra large fruit compare another variety & very tasty also the size of fruits depend of quality of soil, if soil is rich with minerals you will see better result.Hope this help you out my friend. :)
I guess you may be right, however, i have a good ph level, use lots of compost, plus chicken manure last fall, so the conditions should be about perfect. The only thing that may be too much is my nitrogen level, might. Sure take any advice. And everything else i am growing or have already harvest was AWESOME, plus they looked GREAT!!!!

u dont need all those manures. compost and well drained soil should be plenty. try giving them just the morning and evening sun they like some shade sometimes, this intense heat messes with them.
organichiles-Thanks. I thought my peppers would love all the manure. old compost, nutrients, but it seems like they did better without all that. The rest of my garden loves it, another lesson learned. Next year i am going to leave out the manure and triple19 in the ares i am planning my pepper plants. Just going to lime it. I have to due to my soil ph around here.