labels-artwork Anybody got a Solution for applying 100s of Labels quickly and consistently?

Hey all,
I'm making 100 bottle batches and looking for a way to quickly apply labels. I'm thinking there's got to be a tool or something out there that can help me quickly apply labels that are applied to the same position of every bottle. Like a roller or something?

If there's nothing out there I suppose it's possible to have a 3-D printer make a custom solution. So if you have any ideas or designs for a plastic template please share!
Hey all,
I'm making 100 bottle batches and looking for a way to quickly apply labels. I'm thinking there's got to be a tool or something out there that can help me quickly apply labels that are applied to the same position of every bottle. Like a roller or something?

If there's nothing out there I suppose it's possible to have a 3-D printer make a custom solution. So if you have any ideas or designs for a plastic template please share!
Yeah there is, search for label applicator for bottles. We used something similar at the small distillery. Not necessarily cheap, but it is a one and done expense.

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Thank you! Do these work well or anything you had issues with?
It worked pretty well for a manual device. If the bottle doesnt get centered on the rollers the label wont be centered is the only thing. You can move quickly but it is not zone out and sling bottles, still have to get them in the right spot. You can adjust your parameters to line the bottom of the bottle with the device.
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The guy who owns this company actually makes hot sauce as well as these labelers so you may want to look into: