I am sincerely honored and touched. I've been distant cause I know what a fool I can make of myself when I depend on pain management. Just ask Hot Pepper. I get all sensitive and I love you man. Its just being a very challenging year. They took the inside of my right foot, so I have to depend on the pills a lot more. The biggest challenge being my tractor is down. So the walk behind tiller that I usually use for between rows to keep the weeds down is now my go to tilling machine. That and this is the biggest grow yet, plant out is kind of overwhelming. Plan is, will have tractor fixed and ready to go by next spring.
Yep, started a small CSA and am doing the pay what you can produce stand this year. The CSA is mainly aimed at the folk who camp at the KY Ren Fair. Lots of them travel and camp, food on the road is expensive. We are certified for the cottage laws on many items, so in addition to things they can cook over a camp fire like potato and onion, we are loading them up on zucchini bread and muffins. Its not really a business method. More like the tithing effort we got going with the local food bank. But having a wee bit of early income doesnt hurt.
On the email comment: Ye we go black listed for about a month. I was using a contact form that some lucky spammer found exploits in. I am sorry and wish I had a frigging IT department or something. The store would send out the automatic emails, folk wouldnt get them, they would write, we would reply, they wouldnt get the replies. It was a nightmare. If I pissed anyone off, remind me this harvest season and I will apologize with a gift box.
Seriously, thank you all for being concerned. You really do warm my heart. Oh, and as soon as peppers start going out I am going to get a telephone for the business so if I vanish again folk can find me.