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Anyone have any Melon or Tomatillo seeds?

I know its getting late... But I figure as long as our season usually is here in florida, I'd give it a go...

I've never tried a Tomatillo before (at least not knowingly), but I love salsa, and so I am interested in growing them out... Tried the local big box stores, and the little nurseries, but had no luck finding seeds for this.

Another thing I've had a hard time finding seeds for is Honey Dew... I have a number of canteloup going - and they are covered in blooms. I also have two varieties of Watermelon that are thriving...

But I still have a 70x50' area to plant... So I thought I'd plant a few more melons...

I especially like the really sweet varieties of Melon.

Does anyone have any Melon or Tomatillo seeds that I could trade for? I have seeds for mostly everything on my grow list, so if you see something you are interested in, perhaps we can work out a trade :).

if need be, I'm not opposed to putting a couple dollars in an envelope either.

9B you will be able to grow melons all year I think... I have Purple Tomatillo from Baker Creek. I think the green melons are actually Musk melons. Its late for me :drunk: so if you have a trade let me know. I will check this post in the Am.
That's really surprising that the big box stores don't have tomatillo seeds, they all sell them here...Lowe's, Menard's, Wal-mart, K-mart, etc.

You've never had salsa verde before?
Thanks Hooda!!

Yeah - I was kinda surprised too! I checked walmart, kmart, and home depot... Lowes is ~8 or 9 miles to the closest one... So I havent had a chance to get down that way yet.

I may have... but didn't know I was eating tomatillo!

I am willing to trade mostly anything off my grow list... I also have some pumpkin seeds that are not on my Glist.

Thanks for looking everyone :)

Honey dew is green :) Muskmelon is type of cantaloup :)
You got that backwards, cantaloupe is a type of muskmelon. :P Cantaloupe and honeydew are both types of muskmelons. Muskmelon is the species cucumis melo and also includes crenshaw, casaba, and Armenian cucumbers. My mom has always called cantaloupe muskmelon though, I think it's a colloquial thing. She also sometimes refers to bell peppers as mangos (a very bizarre regional thing).
You got that backwards, cantaloupe is a type of muskmelon. :P Cantaloupe and honeydew are both types of muskmelons. Muskmelon is the species cucumis melo and also includes crenshaw, casaba, and Armenian cucumbers. My mom has always called cantaloupe muskmelon though, I think it's a colloquial thing. She also sometimes refers to bell peppers as mangos (a very bizarre regional thing).

I read a book a year or two ago on melons that said what we in America call a "canteloupe" is muskmelon, but that the original French canteloupe is some other type of melon. So assuming the information in the book was accurate, your mom was correct.
It's true there are two different kinds referred to as cantaloupe. The "true" cantaloupe is the European cantaloupe cucumis melo cantalupensis, which isn't netted and has deeper grooves. But it's rarely grown in the US, when Americans say cantaloupe they're almost always talking about cucumis melo reticulatus which has the netted rind and more shallow grooves. Both are varieties of muskmelon/cucumis melo though. Muskmelon is the whole species not a specific variety of melon. So I can't really say that she was wrong, just not that specific. It's like if you have an habanero and someone says "what kind of pepper is that" and you say "it's a capsicum chinense." You wouldn't be incorrect, just not very specific.

That kind of nomenclature thing seems to happens a lot. E.g. true cinnamon is Ceylon cinnamon/cinnamomum verum (which is far superior in my opinion), but if you go to a non-ethnic grocery store in the US and buy "cinnamon" 99% of the time you're buying cinnamomum burmannii (Indonesian cinnamon), cinnamomum aromaticum (cassia) or cinnamomum loureiori (Saigon cinnamon).