Anyone have experience growing Black Panthers?

I was gifted some black panther seeds that are supposedly isolated.  2 plants are growing, but they look very different.
One has purple leaves, and the other has green:

What color leaves are normally on a black panther?  Both are right next to each other under the same set of lights, and were started at the same time.  However, the purple one almost died to a combination of aphids, nutrient burn, and overwatering.  It was down to a single cotyledon before recovering.  Not sure if that could influence the leaf color.
Marruk said:
I was gifted some black panther seeds that are supposedly isolated.  2 plants are growing, but they look very different.
One has purple leaves, and the other has green:
While the seeds you received may have been isolated the originators website reports differently along with only F4/F5 purity.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
While the seeds you received may have been isolated the originators website reports differently along with only F4/F5 purity.

So it's likely an unstable phenotype, and based on the differences I'm already seeing, I likely am growing two very different plants. Excellent! I can't wait to see how they turn out :)