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Anyone See New Pro-Mix Bales at Home Depot?

Unbelievable - Pro-Mix is marketing a new bale size and look at Home Depot. I saw three different ones today. They are termed 'growing mix' and there's three types: flowers type, vegetables/herbs type, and general planting mix. They are semi-compressed bales. The prices are INSANE.

The veggie/herb and flower mixes are $5.99 for a 1/2 cu ft bale semi-compressed that expands to 1.0 cu ft. The general mix is $12.99 for 1.5 cu ft semi-compressed that expands to 2.5 cu ft. So in other words, the veggie mix to reach a 3.8 cu ft bale compressed size would run up to $50!!! ( approximately eight separate 1/2 cu ft bales). Pretty sad, huh? Gouge the public some more. It has the Myco stuff in it like Pro-Mix Bx. I hope their plan isn't to remove these large bales and start this trend. :(

Sad, but that is still way cheaper than what it would cost to have it shipped to me. There is no pro-mix within 300 miles of me.
I saw on their website that they had a consumer line of products, but I've never seen in any any store. Fortunately I just found a source in Kansas City that carries the 3.8 bales for $29.00
i have seen the $13.00 units(but not the $ 6.00 units) for a few years now, they are targeting the Scott brand (miraclegro) and shultz brand that allows walmart type buyers(grannies) to pick up these smaller bags and grow their spring geraniums(that's my take). flower starting season is picking up here and all the old birds are looking for soil, 2 weeks ago walmart shelves were full, today they are empty, i am always helping one of our seniors lift a small bag into their carts(and i don't even work there).

i think the promix people are seeing the reality, the urban dwellers are buying less and less volume soil as their million dollar homes are living quarters and not growing quarters. less and less the 30 somethings are not growing their own food or flowers and they have to compete with the 5lb bag sizes. in my city, you can't get near an organic store, dodging beamer's, mercedes, audies and even hummers. i see 30 year old kids flying in and out of these shopping malls in cars that i still can't afford(or wouldn't want), young mothers pushing designer baby strollers buying anything that says organic - even if a bag of carrots is $6.00 - because there is no way they will be growing their own. just look at who is buying the large promix and it's smucks like me and there are fewer of us everyday. yes, i know, there is always the odd kid that buys a bag of soil and grows their own products but todays home design layouts are not grower friendly. i live in an older neighbourhood, so i have a large yard both front and back but newer homes are built on the concept of growing upward, so tall thin homes with small yards that you are lucky to fit in a kid's sandbox in the backyard. their neighbour's roof is literally 3ft from the next house and its guaranteed you will never meet your neighbour, as they are never home. once, approximately 30 of my neighbours had gardens,several with outdoor greenhouses, today the greenhouses sit idle and i only know of 5 neighbours left that have gardens(including myself), i would be the youngest of the gardeners - the rest, either renters, students or new young families with the intention of moving to the $750,000 homes.

fast food, quick dinners and grab'n'toss soil mix to make it convenient for the impulse buyer and i think the promix people feel they were missing out on a valuable market.
I've actually been looking into the pro-mix mega bales containing 135 cu.ft per bale although I haven't got a price yet

I'm in Northern Virginia, and I've found a store, run by weird, eccentric people and very hard to find off the main road, which sells the 3.8cu bales for $30, cash only (LOL). I make my pilgrimmage every year there with $90 in hand, and my many 12" pepper pots are loaded with the good stuff all summer.

if anyone is in or near my area and looking for ProMixBx, shoot me an email and we can exchange some info. This store also has a custom blend which they also sell for $30, which I think might actually be better than ProMixBx. The results are certaintly "as good", still working on whether they're "better"
in my area i had the same problem with finding 300 miles away so i went onto there website and e-mailed there sales department for my state and come to find out i have it in a few stores close by that i wouldnt of thought carried it i had to pay $39 for it well better then the 300 mile journey
I use to use fox farm Happy Frog with some composts, top soil, and a few other things. This year im using coco coir, I LOVE IT!! It costs a little more than peat but IMO its WAY better.
I've been trying to get my hands on the GPX formulation for years w/no success. I want a finer mix for a specific reason. I never have run across anything but the HP or BX mixes.

BC...I feel ya brother. My wife and I love to eat zuchini and regular yellow squash. I know it may not be THAT bad, but we are not paying $3 a pound for them! So, this year we are growing all of the veggies we normally eat. Screw it, if I can grow peppers this well, why not veggies, too? Screw that new legislature that supposedly passed. I feel like an idiot for not have BEEN growing veggies up until now! I am almost 35, and I am the only person that I know of that has a garden. Well, my wife's aunt does now as well, but she does hardly any work in it. She had someone else build the raised beds, and I worked the soil for her last year. I also have given her tips on fertilizers. So I dont really count her as having a garden. lol
I've actually been looking into the pro-mix mega bales containing 135 cu.ft per bale although I haven't got a price yet

holy crap, thats a bail the size of a pallet? id love to see the machine that compresses that thing...
Unbelievable - Pro-Mix is marketing a new bale size and look at Home Depot. I saw three different ones today. They are termed 'growing mix' and there's three types: flowers type, vegetables/herbs type, and general planting mix. They are semi-compressed bales. The prices are INSANE.

The veggie/herb and flower mixes are $5.99 for a 1/2 cu ft bale semi-compressed that expands to 1.0 cu ft. The general mix is $12.99 for 1.5 cu ft semi-compressed that expands to 2.5 cu ft. So in other words, the veggie mix to reach a 3.8 cu ft bale compressed size would run up to $50!!! ( approximately eight separate 1/2 cu ft bales). Pretty sad, huh? Gouge the public some more. It has the Myco stuff in it like Pro-Mix Bx. I hope their plan isn't to remove these large bales and start this trend.

I picked up 10 bales of the vegetable/herb grow mix for $1.00 a .5 cu ft yesterday at the local Depot.
I am one of the under 30 gardening crowd.

I am willing to spend 30$ on soil, but refuse to spend 6$ on a bag of carrots.

But you are right. I only know of one other person in my neighborhood that has a garden besides my self, and they are a few miles away, and sell things commercially (herbs mostly, and flowers).

I mix my own dirt though, its cheaper I think.
Cheaper was what did it for me.

I don't exactly have the finances to drive a mercedes haha.

I am thinking of trading up my almost 20 year old Oldsmobile, for a Jeep Wrangle (not much newer, but in better shape).
the home depot over here only carries some junk peat bales... i think its called 'majestic earth'? anyway its crap compared to other peat bales ive bought. its like 20% bark... its way less acidic tho.
wised i've know about this before, im gonna check my homeDepot see if they have it. don't need it for now but just in case. good looking out cmpman1974 and meinchoh