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Anyone try Defcon MKII yet???

I was thinking about making an order but have not seen any reviews other than this one..

posted by DK

Ok, my .02 on the MKII.

John, you waaaaaaay under rated the heat. IT’S FREAKING HOT! I would say in the 1 to 2 million SHU range. I love the heat. This is pretty much what I was expecting to hit my tounge at JJ’s last August. Don’t get me wrong, the ings were very hot in the Deathmatch, but not this hot. But there’s a downside to it.

The sauce tastes like . Tastes like mud, like pure extract. When I first opened it I got this sweet tangy aroma that was very familiar. Mmmmmm, Zero! But that smooth sweet Zero taste was nowhere to be found. Just bitter nasty strong extract. So, I did a direct comparison with a bottle of Blair’s 3AM that I have in the fridge. The 3AM didn’t have that sweet smell to it, but I couldn’t distinguish any difference in flavor between the two. Or the heat for that matter. That’s how I came to the SHU rating. Isn’t 3AM rated for between 1 to 2 million?

No hint of a “wing sauce” flavor at all in the MKII. The wings in the Deathmatch actually tasted good and were hot. The MKII is just hot. If the sauce at JJ’s tastes like this, no way I’m in the Deathmatch this year.

Sorry John, I was hesitant to post this, but I’m not gonna bull sh*t you either. It’s hot. The hottest thing I’ve had from you, but I can’t stomach the taste. If it tasted like your other sauces, but with that heat level ………
I was thinking about making an order but have not seen any reviews other than this one..[/I]

I've read nothing but good reviews, but personally would not post any commentary until I tried it myself.

DK's response later from the same site...

Thanks for the reply John!
So the MKII is a concentrate used to mix the Deathmatch competition sauce? So Sandi’s question about mixing it with Defcon 2 was on the money then. I have some Defcon 2 in the fridge also, I’ll give that a try tommorrow with the MKII mixed in instead of opening my Signed bottle of Deathmatch sauce.

Well if it’s not much “regular” extract, then it’s some potent stuff! i know there’s a lot of Zero in there. That’s the main smell of it. It’s hot as hell though, that’s for sure! It just suprised me that it wasn’t tasty. That was a first from you. I know, the devil made you do it! More like Devil Kitty maybe!

Here's a suggestion Potsy - try it yourself, and post an original review...
I assume that I am who was reffered to as "potsy"
I have tried defcon 1 and gave it a good review.
It was very mild in heat so I was looking into zero but found that it is a special order item that is hard to get then this stuff came out so I am here asking what it's like and so far have only found a couple reviews.
Hot Canuck said:
Here's a suggestion Potsy - try it yourself, and post an original review...

Considering from what I've read here and there, Defcon's claim to fame is their wonderful tasting extracts that they use. 99% of you agree with him too so I'm sure that shayneyasinski is going to get bootf*cked royally for posting this.
So, I would say that a review here or elsewhere saying that there was a "bitterness" of extract is something a consumer should take note of. Isn't it? It got my attention. I'm not sure what Taste The Fear is all about, but a review is a review.
At $18 per bottle US (plus postage, duty and customs stuff), that's a lot of money to spend on something that is supposed to be used along with another one of Defcon's products in order to taste right? For a starving student like me, that's a deal breaker.
I have purchased all of the Defcon products locally, no freight or duties, and I have enjoyed all of them.
People don't like everything all the time. OK, I need to get to sleep, long drive tomorrow.
Happy Easter everyone!!
I tried defcon 1 it was way too hot for my tatse buds. When you start getting hotter your looking pretty niche market.
I don't really know my point...
I guess if you think you can handle super hot extract sauce just shut up and by it, bEcause this thread is just gonna start a pissing contest lol
As stated, the stuff is one of the "Ancient Chinese Secrets" we put into the actual Deathmatch sauce for competitions. If I were to use only the ZERO in it, it would be about $100/12 ounce bottle. We used some regular extract in it for heat, but this taste blends well into the acutal competition stuff. Straight up, yes, you will taste some of the regular extract, but for the amount of heat you get in the bottle, it's a VERY good buy, and is a nice additive to many different things, including BBQ sauce.
***nodding head in agreement for the adding to BBQ sauce part****
Yeah, that stuff isn't meant to be eaten straight out of the bottle. I don't know who could coat some wings with it as is and sit there and eat 'em. I'd mix it with some Defcon 2...and a lot of it.

If I was to mix it with BBQ sauce, probably no more than a 1/4 teaspoon for the entire bottle.
DevilDuck said:
If I was to mix it with BBQ sauce, probably no more than a 1/4 teaspoon for the entire bottle.

I used 1/4 tsp per 1/2 cup of BBQ and it was right at the edge for me....perfect burn, and it seemed to magnify the taste of the BBQ...wife bought some peach/pecan BBQ sauce....mmmmmmmmmmm
It is only a matter of time till a hotsauce creator adds a superhot extract to his line.
I am now wondering if there will be any left to buy when the new batch of zero is done???

do I wait or is zero close??
DevilDuck said:
Yeah, that stuff isn't meant to be eaten straight out of the bottle. I don't know who could coat some wings with it as is and sit there and eat 'em. I'd mix it with some Defcon 2...and a lot of it.

If I was to mix it with BBQ sauce, probably no more than a 1/4 teaspoon for the entire bottle.
Im learning alot about this sauce lol guess I wont be coating my wings with them stright up i'll mix it with some bbq sauce..
ZERO is months away from being even close. I'd say sometime in the late summer at the earliest (hint). With the amount we had to use for the DM MKII, it put a rather large dent in our inventory.