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Anyone using Clear Rez? Make your own with MIOX Pen...

I have heard great things about ezclone's Clear Rez. I know a lot of people think it is just bleach. It is not just household bleach. It contains HOCL (hypochlorous acid).

Household bleach contains HOCL as it's main disinfectant.
Imagine if you could make your own.


Well enter the backpacking MSR MIOX Pen. I have seen these used, but thought it was a gimmick. I was young and had other things on my mind. Now being a little older, understanding chemistry and wishing I took more in High School...

This pen basically turns salt NaCl and Water H2O (Brine solution) into HOCl (hypochlorous acid) and other stuff.

I will do a review of this pen and how it works. I will test this solution in my Cloner.


MIOX Corp also makes big industrial units in you need more solution.
I have not seen anyone in hydro besides ezclone use this.

Wonder how they make their solution?
eh, i promise im not stalking you. i seem to be posting in all of your threads recently tho. our interests must intersect.
that pen is very cool. a portable based Chlorine generator means all you need to haul along is salt, that's brilliant.
what is this product exactly tho( the clear rez) ? im confused, you say its not bleach, yet you say its HOCl?
FWIW i have lots of experiance with pools and related knowlage (had a pool when i was young), so im very familiar with salt chlorine generators, as well as chemistry in general.
the biggest problem i see here is the need for vast amounts of salt to be in solution in order for the generator to operate efficiently. i believe you need something like 2000+ ppm NaCl.
This concentration would kill plants.
however how does this pen work? i imagine you don't want to drink salt water right? so it must be able to isolate the salt water solution from the drinking water?
if this is the case, then how could you adapt it for use in a recirculating system? you would need to either use it batch wise, or set it up to constantly regenerate the salt solution.
i have always been an advocate for chlorine disinfection, big time. its superior in almost all ways. the best thing imo is the ease at which you can test the chlorine concentration... With 5cent per shot pool DPD test kits.
with that said, idk if chlorine generators make the most sense, considering that you can buy what i call "floaters", designed for like 500gallon spas that use 1.25" chlorine pucks. one of these set up to very very slowly leach chlorine into your system would work fantastically IMO.
TBH tho i have not tried this myself. I invested in solenoid dosing pumps, and tbh i now think they are over kill, but i have them none the less, so i dose via bleach solution, if i do dose at all.
i do think floaters would be superior tho. from the cost standpoint.
Very very large nurseries and greenhouses tend to use either ozone(organic places) or chlorine dioxide ejectors
(very very cost effective way to dose Hocl, but extremly dangerous if mishandled... 
ive never heard of chlorine generators in use in any commercial operations.
queequeg152 said:
eh, i promise im not stalking you. i seem to be posting in all of your threads recently tho. our interests must intersect.
that pen is very cool. a portable based Chlorine generator means all you need to haul along is salt, that's brilliant.
what is this product exactly tho( the clear rez) ? im confused, you say its not bleach, yet you say its HOCl?
FWIW i have lots of experiance with pools and related knowlage (had a pool when i was young), so im very familiar with salt chlorine generators, as well as chemistry in general.
the biggest problem i see here is the need for vast amounts of salt to be in solution in order for the generator to operate efficiently. i believe you need something like 2000+ ppm NaCl.
This concentration would kill plants.
however how does this pen work? i imagine you don't want to drink salt water right? so it must be able to isolate the salt water solution from the drinking water?
if this is the case, then how could you adapt it for use in a recirculating system? you would need to either use it batch wise, or set it up to constantly regenerate the salt solution.
i have always been an advocate for chlorine disinfection, big time. its superior in almost all ways. the best thing imo is the ease at which you can test the chlorine concentration... With 5cent per shot pool DPD test kits.
with that said, idk if chlorine generators make the most sense, considering that you can buy what i call "floaters", designed for like 500gallon spas that use 1.25" chlorine pucks. one of these set up to very very slowly leach chlorine into your system would work fantastically IMO.
TBH tho i have not tried this myself. I invested in solenoid dosing pumps, and tbh i now think they are over kill, but i have them none the less, so i dose via bleach solution, if i do dose at all.
i do think floaters would be superior tho. from the cost standpoint.
Very very large nurseries and greenhouses tend to use either ozone(organic places) or chlorine dioxide ejectors
(very very cost effective way to dose Hocl, but extremly dangerous if mishandled... 
ive never heard of chlorine generators in use in any commercial operations.
I know your not stalking me. I'm just the Mac Gyver type probably like you.

The Clear Rez is a product the eZCloner people market.


It works really well but can be pricey. If you look at the MSDS sheet it is a small amount of HOCL it contains. Less then 1%. HOCL is very powerful. Kind of like hydrogen peroxide, but better. Both are oxidants.

For pools you need a lot of salt because of the high surface area, changing weather (heat), sunlight breakdown, etc of the HOCL.

With this pen it is ment to sterilize the water and then drink it almost immediately. Or you usually store it in a sealed container. The pool need lots of spare HOCL to kill anything introduced into it. You drinking water is good once done. Hence less salt.

HOCL in high concentrations breaks down very fast, in a matter of 30 minutes to 4 hours from what I have read. The less concentration the more stable it is. Also the PH breaks it down very fast. It wants to be at about 5 to 6.5 PH to be stable.

We all know bleach is way above 5 PH. HOCL is a small active ingredient in bleach. So for bleach they add lye to stabalize the HOCL.

If you can get almost pure HOCL it kills most stuff on contact within seconds, and then breaks down rapidly. Hospitals are looking at this to sterilize rooms because of crazy staph that can't be treated be antibiotics. HOCL kills even this staph.

Military has been using this pen for a while. They are looking for something that can be used in a Nuclear Biological contamination scenario. This pen wouldn't qualify. They are looking at a camel-bak type pouch with this pen built into the lid.


If you can generate your own HOCL close to you source of water you don't need as much salt, and HOCL is more concentrated.

I will generate some on a small scale to try. My one test hydro bed only has a 3 gallon res. 4 gallons if topped off all the way.

HOCL also cuts thru and kills bio-film. The slime you get on roots. That is why Clear Rez has been such a break thru. No just bleach, but HOCL in concentrate.

I have had people tell me Clear Rez is the same as bleach. Really Clear Rez is PH 5 to 6.5 and bleach is usually around 12. Defiantly not the same. Maybe the same active ingredient, plus it's where you want your water 5.5 PH for hydro and nutes. People think they can just dilute down bleach to get HOCL equivilant. It is close, but bleach has other bad things in it are not good for plants, ex lye.

Why is bleach usually off yellow? I think pure HOCL is crystal clear.

Why not just use or make HOCL for your system? And it will be happy at hydro PH levels.

I too cleaned pools in my younger years. Way before salt water pools. Measuring and dosing the water to get it in balance...days of holes burned in Levi's from chlorine and acid.

Here is another interesting article I found about chlorine and PH...


MIOX.com of stats...

well its been a while, but from what i remember HOCl cannot exist without its conjugate base in solution. so anything containing HCOL will have the base in solution as well. this base would be either calcium or sodium chlorite
basically HoCl comes from either sodium hypo or calcium hypo, dichlor trichlor or chlorine dioxide etc etc.
clear rez will have a conjugate base in solution. that conjugate base however will now show up on the MSDS ( i think) because its by and large harmless, and does not merit the concerns that msds sheets adress.
what you say with respect to poools needing more chlorine is probably correct, and something i overlooked.  however still, from what ive read regartding chlorine sanitization in fertigation systems. you still want 1-.5mg/l free chlorine pretty much always, OR periodic 2-5mg/l for like  like x minutes every day or so.
what you say regarding bleach having lye could be correct, i dont really know. i DO know they add fragrances etc some times. Pool bleach, the bottles you buy for spas etc are free of these superfluous ingrediants however.
bleach does not appreciably alter ph in my experiance. the lye could also be a byproduct of what ever reaction they are using to generate the hypochlorite salt.
you can use calcium hypochlorite if you like, it would be free of lye etc. pucks are pretty much 99% trichlor or dichloro as well, + some binders i think. 
you have to keep in mind you would be using single digit drops of sodium hypo, and maby like a small pinch of calcium hypo. its just not enough to alter ph appreciably, unless its like distilled water.
you cannot concentrate HoCl past a certain molarity because it exists in equilibrium with a conujugate base + other factors like PH. however this is more advantage than you think, as the hypo is consumed,i it is replaced pushing the reaction to the right side.
ive seen nothing beyond 25%, which is itself very rare. most of the small water plants ive worked with used drums of 12.5% sodium hypo. beyond the small plants however, they use chlorine gas by and large due to cost.( chlorine dioxide. )
It looks like the people at MIOX have figured out how to keep HOCL higher % in solution. Take a look at how ther can generate hypo on site or MOS on site for better usage. The little pen is just a miniature version of this.


According to there website HOCL is only in a small amount in a base solution. As the PH goes down near 5 you can approach 100% HOCL in solution. Of course it breaks down very fast, near 4 hours, that is why you generate on site.

I will find the chart they had. It was really informative.

Here is the chart I have found.


Check out the PDF of this on page 15. Interesting reading. I don't remember anyone using this in the oilfield when I was working there. They had to truck away the bad water from a holding pond.

SichuaneseFoodFan said:
yea those pool shock bags are good, but watch out, many of them contain huge amounts of cyanuric acid (stabilizer).  the 100% cal hypo stuff should be considerably cheaper than dichlor trichlor or cal hypo + cyanuric.
i still standby my claim that the pucks would work wonderfully tho, but yea a pinch of calcium hypo is stupid easy.
Well just got my MIOX pen in the mail today. I got a new "Military surplus" for $75. I dosed up my rez, and will measure TC and FAC.

I just checked my rez with a simple quick Pool test strips...

Left to right...

White - 0.5 PPM free chlorine

Purple - 1 PPM total chlorine

Green - 80 PPM Alkalinity

Yellow - 0 PPM Cyanuric Acid

Yellow - < 6.2 PH

Blue - 250 PPM Total Hardness

Everything looks good.
queequeg152 said:
neat, 75 bucks is way reasonable for such a thing. imo anyway. 
nice counter top btw.
Thanks. It is actually our kitchen table.

Here is where I bought mine MIOX Pen.


It arrived in 2 days. Very quick.
queequeg152 said:
those test strips came with your kit?
they remind me of these. i tried them one year, but went back to a regular kit.
if you ever run out...
No these did not come with my kit. I have these from my pool. The ones that come with it are very basic. I'll take a pic later. I have chemicals too, but sometimes this is just easier to double check a lot of things at once.