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pests Aphid Problem

So I have been having a serious problem with aphids on a few of my plants. Tried the dish soap spray and it worked for a while, but now one plant is infested with them. Should I try neem oil? I've been reading mixed reviews.

Tonight I found these larvae all over the plant and they appear to be eating the aphids. Any idea what they are? Pics aren't the greatest.



Any help would be appreciated.
Neem oil.
Just started using it and it seems to be working. just sprayed them again this morning but rain followed right after. need to check them tomorrow otherwise ill be doing it again.
+ 1 on the neem , if it don't work the heavy gun MALATHION  , that'll kill all . only last resort . no lady bugs around ?     :onfire:
Since you are on a balcony I assume you don't have a huge number of plants. I do also and have found squishing to work very well. Once you get over the ick, it can be very therapudic. I've also found that the sqished aphis seem to draw ladybugs and deter more aphids. May not be true, but has worked for me.

Here in DC I haven't seen an aphid yet. First time ever. Not sure why and I've probably just cursed myself. Good luck!