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pests Aphid question

I had/have a few Aphids on my plants and I am using a home remedy to try and get rid of them.Its the old veggie oil,murphys soap and water trick with a little garlic and onion(got it off the net)!! Question is ...how long do I leave it on before I wash it off??I know Neem works great but I want to try the home remedy 1st.Any tips would help and would be appreciated!!!
Hope it works for you. I really don't see any reason to wash it off. Doesn't appear any of the ingredients are going to be harmful to the plants. See what the rest of the gang says.

Good luck.
Perhaps it was my luck, but I am sold on Neem Oil and Safer Soap. I tried the home remedies, they tended to work for a couple of days. Got some Neem to mix with the Safer Soap and after two applications I never saw another aphid in the next six weeks.


I rotate between soap sprays(Fatty acids), neem and other horticultural oils, and pyrethrum sprays. It looks like you're using oils and fatty acids together which should work fine. Since it kills on contact, you can likely rinse the spray off shortly after applied to avoid leaving residues
Ok I have a question along these lines.
My wife sprayed a tomato plant with a homemade version of the veggie oil, soap, water mix. Killed the aphids ok, but it seems to have killed the tomato as well. I'm guessing the oil kept the plant from breathing?
I rinsed off the tomato after some of the leaves started dying off.
I know she mixed the spray as per the instructions, but wonder if i needed to rinse off the plant sooner.
Anyone else had this problem?
I was using diluted Dawn dishsoap for a while and the sun burned the leaves I didn't rinse off. Didn't kill the whole plant though.
Thanks everyone for the tips.I didnt have to wait long to rinse the plants off,it rained all morning:lol::lol:Plants look good though,I will get a closer inspection when it dries off a bit:)
My bad on the not rinsing idea, wasn't thinking about topical damage. Great advice all. Sorry about that HPFF, glad the rain came along.
Ty again for the tips!! The plants all look good,had to give them another rinse but looks like it worked but I will keep checking them everyday! They cool thing is is when I get pods and fruits I wont need to clean them (the soap) or use oil to cook them (the veggie oil) or season them (the garlic and onion powders)!! :lol::lol::)