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pests Aphids gone.....I mean gone!

I didn't post this early for fear of jinxing myself but my aphids have been gone now for over a month. I had a problem early on and was squishing and spraying with safer soap. They kept returing. Now I don't know if this was the reason but one day I was at my grandmothers and noticed a ladybug larvae and some eggs on her tree. I brought them home and put it on my plants. It started eating right away. About a week later I saw tiny versions of him because the eggs hatched. I week late I found one more larvae on her tree and put it on my plants again. Needless to say I haven't seen another aphid on my plants in over a month. They are gone.... all of them. I was very worried early on when nothing was working but it seemed divine intervention happened. I don't know if it was the few ladybugs or weather or whatever but all's I can say is I am very relieved.
hell yeah i just found a lady bug on one of my plants, but strong strong weather came threw prob gone now but thinking bout getting some more ladies some how soon prob order. good to hear
Good stuff chillilover. I hope your grandmother doesn't suffer an aphid infestation because you took away her mainland defence units! :P
Glad to hear it. I tried neem oil so long my trigger finger was loosing skin. Then I picked up a few hundred lady bugs from a local garden store for $7.00 and within day I couldn't even find a aphid. However I still have a ton of lady bugs on my plants the can still find small larvae on them as well. I threw away my neem oil and sprayer for good. Plus the need cost more!
Well, I hope you are rid of the little bastards. I sprayed with Seven, got rid of them (and spider mites), only to have a few winged aphids come back and lay some eggs. I've gone to an organic spray now and have seen a few ladybugs on my chilies, but I just can't get rid of the little bastards. The cold weather isn't helping my plants either.