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Aphids repelent

I had some cutting from my wild variety in the bubbler inside house in the basement wright before the first frost.What happen cuttings start getting first leafs & week after that I was checking my nutriance & water level when I descover suprice big time, here they are "Aphids", wow I was realy mad big time it not easy to get rid of those little devil bugs socking the life of my new cutting.I saw bunch defferent repelents on this forum for the years people use so I didn't had anything for those little green bugs so I find some "Hot shoot" spray left over in the garage for any kind bugs.So I decide to try to spray those bastards & belive it or not it was working that stuff kill all bugs & larve with only one application.I was worry that cutting will die, they lost leafs but they are all alive & new leafs start emerging.Happy anding for me, I could lost all cuttings of: Tovari,CGN-22208 C.Galapagoense,Buforum & Ciliatum
(Rhombodeum ).
I will never bring in the house cutting or over wintering plant from the garden outside you will have for sure those bastards, it is lot safer if you start from brand new seeds & when plant start growing(branching) then get the cutting & "Aphids" free plants in the house.
I've had the same problem every time I bring plants in from the outside to try and over winter. One way to avoid them is to cut your plants down to just a stem. You can spray the plants prior to bringing them in but make sure the spray kills eggs too or you're just postponing the invasion. Or you can fight with the SOB's all winter, lose the battle and toss the plants out in January and watch the rat bastages freeze to death. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I hate aphids.
man you should bough some lady bug they would cleand them .... i alwayd use ladybug for Aphids

Judy I use lady bags before & they fly all over the basement my wife was very mad so from now I will use only when I grow from seeds & plant start branching then I will use cutting from those & have no bugs in the house.
I've had the same problem every time I bring plants in from the outside to try and over winter. One way to avoid them is to cut your plants down to just a stem. You can spray the plants prior to bringing them in but make sure the spray kills eggs too or you're just postponing the invasion. Or you can fight with the SOB's all winter, lose the battle and toss the plants out in January and watch the rat bastages freeze to death. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I hate aphids.

Like I said using from plant started in the house cuttings it lot safer pest free in the house.