Apple pepper

Have some seeds there called "half sharp apple pepper" from farmers market (outhit things have grown true from there)


There's a pic of them with stuff for guacamole (I have tons more no worries) they also seem to be great keepers --a week later on the counter and they are still like fresh!

I'm thinking trade or sase (if you wanna see what I have or what I'm looking for lists are at and yes the have is excessively long)

(this sase is at present exclusive to here)
There half as hot as hot cherry bombs at there hottest (I was processing like 5 types that day and that was my burn like 20 min after)

Cut open let me get home and I'll cut a few ok?
It's not real hot if at all (a hot cherry bomb is about my upper limit)

Pm me for address or to arrange a trade with these

--I expect within 3-4 hours (MAX) I should be able to get some pics of these cut up
The are manzano peppers. Manzano = apple tree in Spanish.
No way those are Manzanos, with the seeds being white. Pubescens, as far as I know, always have black seeds. Appearance wise, I'd wager a guess that they're an Annuum of some sort, but what kind, who knows?
Like I said the person was calling them "half sharp apple"

They do have some heat --after just them there's a light burn on my lip nothing like a jalapeño but still a burn no less
When I grew similar looking pods they were called Amish Apples,Sweet apple,hot apple,Alma Paprika and a few other names-this or that paprika...
They were sweet to mild when yellow and got warm if you let them ripen from orange to red.
Looks to me like an apple type pimento pepper


I got some at my local co-op labeled as a Sweet Pimiento. I thought that those looked virtually identical to this one. They had no heat, however, so if these ones do, it's probably a variant of some sort.