food Applesaucededd

Yep folks it's that time of year here in WA. Apples. Everywhere.

We went to our friends house and in about a minute picked this many apples,

Ever seen one of these? pretty cool, turn the crank and it peels, slices and cores the damm thing.

Moar hhwiskey pleeze...






After 3 hours on high in the corck pot, we'll check out the juice content, (mines runnin about 2.3 bac right now)
and we'll add chocolate Bhut's accordingly. best damnn applesaucededd I ever been.
and 75% of the apples got frezzer vacuumed baged frozen for the winter Apple Crispses.


Nice Scovie! Yeah, I've got one of those apple-thingies (that's the technical term....) but mine has a suction cup on the bottom - just sticks to the counter. Very convenient when doing lots o' apples. However, I like to be liking the peel in my sauce. And hey...... did you come steal my crock pot??? LOL
My brother and I spent MANY HOURS with that there gadget every fall. Our family made TONS of apple sauce. We had the routine down. Mom was on the peeler-gadgit, bro and I were on slicing using one of those rectangular frame things with sererated blades like this-

Dad monitored the sauce cooking on the stove, and it usually ended up that by the time all the sauce was cooking, us kids went to bed, and in the mornign, there were jars of applesauce on the counter....

...which means, Mom and Dad stayed up to put the cooked sauce in the jars, and hot water bath it until all hours of the night.

I loved eating the apple peel strings.

And GRAVENSTEINS are da bomb! for Sauce!

and then we did corn kernels cut with one of these

and pitted cherries with something I can't even find any more-

but we DID pressure cook the beans and corn. :cool:
You had to slice the apples seperately?
That gadget peels, cores and slices.
It was my mom's, and yeah, MAJOR production every fall!
Worth it tho.

It always turns into a sticky mess after about 3 apples.
But we only had to wash everything once half thru that box of apples.
The sauce came out awesome, and we have about 5lbs all vacuum sealed in the freezer!
Nice Scovie, you saw what we liked to be liking at this time of year in my Chopped TD entry. We just quartered the apples and cooked them Peel, core seeds and all. Grandma always said that the peel had a lot of flavor and the core had a lot of Pectin. This year I took it to the next level by adding the Bourbon and then again, chronicled in my Glog, adding powdered Fataliis and Jonahs. I swear there is just something so right about Bourbon, apples and the Fatalii/Joanh combination.​