Aquaponics in a box?

Applied for a grant for small farms from our state AG.  Was denied because for what ever reason they are not funding high tunnels.  The plan for what I want to do involves aquaponics and high tunnels, but I pitched the thing for the high tunnels not knowing they were not on the list of things they would fund.  I should have pitched the aquaponics and paid for the high tunnels myself.  So now, well I am going to pitch aquaponics.
Thing is, now knowing how much a shot in the dark this grant is, I do not want to take the time to draw up plans for a home made system.  Looking for aquaponics in a box.  Any ideas?
AJ Drew said:
Looking for aquaponics in a box. Any ideas?
I bought a 5 gal. w 10 in, net pot single station DWC two seasons ago and it produced really well, DWC - My First Adventure In Hydroponics, thread includes prices for system, accessories, nutes & test equipment. The pod pix in that thread don't show the mid-Sept. plant loaded with ripe & green peppers, only end of season.

There's a recent thread over at the Grow Tech forum, Hydroponics Startup Help, that 6 station a good price but don't forget you'll need growing media, nutes and whatever but these are 3.5 gal. buckets with smaller net pots. I'm not sure if this is what you're thinking when you asked for "aquaponics" ? Juanitos might be able to help with Dutch Bucket System.
I found a set up that would be perfect, but they are in Australia and shipping would be unreal.  It used those huge water totes, the ones framed with steel.  The grant is 5K, so there is lots of wiggle room. 
AJ Drew said:
I found a set up that would be perfect, but they are in Australia and shipping would be unreal.  It used those huge water totes, the ones framed with steel.  The grant is 5K, so there is lots of wiggle room. 
Post link so we have some idea of what you envision for the tunnel.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
I bought a 5 gal. w 10 in, net pot single station DWC two seasons ago and it produced really well, DWC - My First Adventure In Hydroponics, thread includes prices for system, accessories, nutes & test equipment. The pod pix in that thread don't show the mid-Sept. plant loaded with ripe & green peppers, only end of season.

There's a recent thread over at the Grow Tech forum, Hydroponics Startup Help, that 6 station a good price but don't forget you'll need growing media, nutes and whatever but these are 3.5 gal. buckets with smaller net pots. I'm not sure if this is what you're thinking when you asked for "aquaponics" ? Juanitos might be able to help with Dutch Bucket System.
OP asked about aquaponics.  
OP - did you mean to ask about hydroponics?