Arctic Char guud

The Hot Pepper

Arctic char is so good! Mmmmmm.
Fish in the salmonidae family, but cooked salmon is not my thing... but arctic char is the bomb. Not fishy/strong, mild, delicate, and packed with flavor. Seasoned with sea salt, pepper flakes, olive oil. Squeezed a lemon slice before eating. Best fish I've had in a long time.
Brook trout, lake trout, and dolly varden, are all in the char family as well. I've eaten heaps of lakers, dolly's and arctic char. How ironic that not too long ago, dolly's were considered a trash fish and a bounty was placed on them, .25 cents a tail if I recollect correctly. Awesome game fish and you'll know when you catch one. They rarely jump but wait for 'em to start spinnin'!
arctic char is just starting to come in season here(at the grocery store) but man is it expensive. i target stores and watch for the expiry/sell before date on the fish, i can usually get it at 30% discount.

one of the tastiest treats you'll experience is seared skin of the trout/salmon family, any kind of oil or butter will work; those nonstick pans don't really do that great of a job in crisping the skin, cast iron works nice or even putting the fillet under the broiler for a minute.

bon appetit.
I love lake trout, but it doesn't keep very well. Any fish isn't going to be the same after you freeze it, but I won't even keep a laker anymore unless I plan on eating it right away. Very good smoked too! I've never tried dolly varden.